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File: 1670221067861.png (266.29 KB, 660x840, 11:14, Jenny-Nicholason-Hot2.png) ImgOps iqdb

 No.299791[View All]

She's probably about 2 days away from hitting 1 million subs on Youtube. Let us all watch her cross that milestone together!
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Yeah, it's still kicking.


>needing to ai generate images in order to pretend she's not disgusting


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Based, jennyfags (the only one who didn't killed himself yet) btfo'd beyond any limits


There's at least two of still here, bro. Whoever keeps bumping this thread and me.


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>literally the cutest girl to ever exist in the entire history of humanity
It's kinda shocking a person can be so fucking gay.


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White women are nigger whores


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Holy shit I'm going to bump this thread with something relevant. After how many years, I'm finally organizing the metric fuckton of webm's/mp4's/etc. Came across this. Is there any chance in hell that anybody can give me a context for what this is referring to besides "lol Jennyfags" "muh 8ch"?


>referring to besides "lol Jennyfags" "muh 8ch"?
That's literally all it's referring to. "This is what [x] actually believes" has been used in reference to so much shit it's impossible to tell you what that specific post was talking about, it could've been anything.


What's pretty funny is I had a random conversation with a friend of a friend recently and he asked me if I knew of her. At first, I wondered why the name sounded so familiar and then I looked her channel up. He was saying he likes her videos. Don't know if she actually has good reviews personally.


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lol okay had to make sure I wasn't missing some super deep lore.

>Don't know if she actually has good reviews personally.
The only way to figure that out is to watch them. As is, the only content she makes anymore is like one video essay a year and the Patreon videos she puts out once a month. She's on permanent vacation mode with that Patreon money. She'll travel to Europe and go everywhere else, buy whatever to her heart's satisfaction, but fuck you if you expect her to do anything on her public channel. Ellis and California really fucked up her priorities.


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>Don't know if she actually has good reviews personally.
2017 - 2019 was peak /tv/core content, weekly half hour videos on blockbusters that were consistently funny. Since lockdown she has only made video essays which are highly entertaining but only come out twice a year, if that. She is basically retired and the videos that popularized her on /tv/ are not really viable anymore on Youtube

And just so you know I'm not a biased simp, at the time I was a MargGOD, as all the best posters were


File: 1697286986340.mp4 (2.38 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, marg the reddit hog.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

>all the best posters were
Well, well, well. Look who's still haunting around. Embarrassing.


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It was a different time


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It was. Hope you've been well.


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It's crazy these guys used to think this chick was on Jenny's level. Now; one's a millionaire loved by all and the other's barely a memory.


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>loved by all
She'd be a lot more loved if she stopped scamming people on Patreon and got back to making content..


Didn't margcuck turn out to be some miga retard that wore kilts to miga rallies?


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Is it possible to love Jenny more? I don't think so!


File: 1697295354813.mp4 (1.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 5c888b2b617d93bf84eb093031….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

>Creating videos


Fuck, I thought that this hooker was dead after she was in that pornography movie with Zack Bagans, where he takes ghost equipment in her vagina to see if there is a fetus ghost inside.


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Are you getting mixed up? Dead baby was Lindsay Ellis, not Jenny Nicholson


Does she even make videos anymore? No wonder Jennyfags have been disapearing.


She's down to once a month via Patreon and maybe one public video a year. It really is suffering.




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Jenny horror movie when?


The real horror is her youtube channel being a graveyard.


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J Balvin > Jenny Nicholson


i concur


But I don't want to fuck Balvin.


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What about Rashmika?


Dogshit > Jbalvin


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>Badcars is dead


It's been back up for a few hours now. There's some kind of snafu.


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Glad to hear it! This place was basically almost as dead…


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No idea that she ended up a success. I ironically was her inspiration on creating a YouTube channel after being a fan of mine. That was back in the late 2000s a few years before I quit. I had a chance to fuck her once but I was a committed relationship with a very sexy woman at the time who had sex with me multiple times a day. So, I didn't bother. I wouldn't have assumed that she would have ended up with over 3-5k subscribers to be completely honest. I guess I'll have to go watch some of her videos now. I fell out with her and pretty much everyone else in my life after becoming a ghost and quitting all social media and slamming my phone into the side of an exterminator's truck for spraying poison all over my newly bought potatoes after driving over a couple hundred miles home. Never got a phone again and never signed up for social media again. I was already done with YouTube for their bullshit and money that google stole from me. FUCK THEM! But maybe, just maybe. I should have fucked this bitch or at least got her to fart on my face or queef on my nose like a good girl.


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oh you


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End of an era… RIP Jorn.


When is this woman going to finally grow up and start a family?


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As soon as I can get my act together… probably!


File: 1712590576662.webm (11.39 MB, 960x500, 48:25, Jennymon.webm) ImgOps iqdb

Can a person be more ad*rable? I don't think so…


Yeah it's not hard to be more attractive than Cindy Lou Who Gives A Fuck AKA Philtrum of the Future AKA FASsy Galore


wtf I love nerd pandering middle aged egirls now


File: 1712698413642.mp4 (5.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, marg loses it all.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Queen elections are dead. This thread is the only remnant of that once great era.


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I will remember you, will you remember me..

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