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"Did What Morgan?"

Signs and other UFO/Alien Abduction Films from the late 90's to mid early 2000's


Signs was kino, doug be dammed.


The Outer Limits 1995 and up TV series


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It's just a bunch of crock. They're trying to sell sodas. It's plain and simple. Been watching these reports since morning, and I have seen twelve soda commercials so far. TWELVE!
It really is. It was a great choice to limit the viewers' information about what's actually happening in the movie. It makes you feel like you're trapped in the same situation as the characters. It adds a ton to the horror aspect. The music helps too, of course. I think it's probably the best alien invasion movies I've seen next to the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers.


Even ol' M. Night Shyamalan did a good job being the guy who accidently killed Mel's wife in the film. Not the biggest fan of the twist but it still did its job of purposfully underwhelming the audience.



Just realized the reason the Aliens are weak to water is because demons are weak to Holy water, I am retarded for not understanding such a simple reference even when the film is alll about losing faith in ones beliefs. This shit is sounding like Archons, what did M. Night mean by this?




>Mel was on Signs
No wonder I liked it so much, haven't seen it in 20 years though don't remember anything about it.
Need to give it a rewatch


Hollywood likes to teach atheists the same concepts of morality but with a twist, so they can be separated from the Christians.


Rather it's a way of creating atheists as a separate religion based in science.


And both are subhuman


>compared to Jews.


I think one could have those beliefs aka identify as an atheist or christian and not be a subhuman, obviously they are belief-systems that are not good for the human mind, one being jewish poison for the goyim and the latter for it sans spirituality however it is a poison forced on everyone so we can't expect everyone to be perfect.
>origin of the poison is better than the poison
More like even worse anon, life rejection and nhilism will never be based.

This film was a fun film, shame ol' M. Pajeet became far worse at writing/directing later on, at least the bad films are still fun to watch.


They aliens aren't aliens, that's the twist!




ShamanLamaDindong didn't get worse at directing/writing.
He just had some really good tard wranglers initially.


Does anyone else remember the promotional TV documentary they aired around the time the movie came out? I remember it being shown on the History Channel for some weird reason.


Was it about crop circles?


Maybe part of it was, but it was focused on the movie and its filming. It seems strange to me that the History Channel showed something like that, although even back in the early 2000s they showed occasional paranormal stuff on shows like History's Mysteries. This I remember being different in that it just seemed like it was made to encourage viewers to go watch the movie.


Don't think I saw a documentary about Signs. I remember a long time ago watching one entirely about crop circles, it was very thorough, had aerial footage of the crop circles from different parts of the world where they appeared.


It was crop circles, they literally showed it after the movie.


What I saw featured M. Night Shamalamadingdong being interviewed, and maybe other cast and crew members. I remember it being shot on the same location as the movie, so they must have been filmed around the same time. It actually looked a lot like the making-of video >>320907, but from what I recall it didn't go into things with the same amount of depth.


I watched both on the same regional aggregating channel that mostly broadcasted foreign Hollywood movies, so it was absolutely a tie in, even if not advertised as being so.

Also watched an American Werewold in London and Cemetery Man.
TV used to be good.




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Or they are just recon for alien grunts. Maybe its not water but the type of water they are hurt by. The little girl she says the water taste funny so you could say they are weak against minerals in the water or bacteria.


Could have been, I am personally glad that M. Night doesn't write sequals to his hits.


>War of the Worlds
<aliens die off to do exposure to new illnesses their immune systems aren't able to combat
an amazing ending
<the retarded aliens invade a planet where nearly everything is covered in a substance they are allergic to and don't even wear space suits
terrible writing


Became the textbook for all streaming shows.


>the retarded aliens invade a planet where nearly everything is covered in a substance they are allergic to and don't even wear space suits
That assumes that any quantity of water whatsoever would be enough to cause problems for them instead of more concentrated forms.


I'm recently watching season 5 of X-Files with family, isn't the last good season, right?


Theres some good episodes still after season 5. Especially compared to tv trash coming out not. Hollywood A.D., Sein und Zeit. Roadrunners are some good ones.



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>Became the textbook for all streaming shows.
What do you mean? As in the pacing?


Just dunking on streaming shows.
They introduce random questions and purposely go out of there way to not answer them by filling with a chase or dialogue. Then they wrap up all the questions at the end by giving the weak answers, and when they all get answered at once, that's considered the show's seasonal climax. There's no actual climax to the story. It's just the end when they decide to dunk the audience in answer juice. There's usually even more questions thrown in if it's going to continue to another season.
Basically it's a method for inducing binge watching. They don't want you to pull up the highest rated episodes and watch those. They want you to just sit there and have it auto-play. Why a completed show still gets weekly release rate is beyond retarded except in the subscription model to keep people subbed for 2 months at the minimum.


Yeah, agree with that. I have noticed that most streaming shows now just feel like watching an extremely bloated movie. They don't feel like TV shows with properly plotted out episodes. They feel like 8 hour movies that were chopped up at random.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's actually a good video from Chris Cuckmann.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Posted without commentary.
That's a no watch from me.


>A species capable of interstellar travel doesn't understand the concept of an immune system
<Great ending

It's exactly as ridiculous as allowing themselves to be exposed to water when it kills them, because it's the same thing. Really the aliens in Signs were somewhat smarter, it's actually possible to walk planet earth without coming into contact with liquid water.


Microbes aren't obvious in the way vast oceans of liquid water are. And in the book, it's explicitly stated that there are no bacteria on Mars, meaning the Martians didn't know to check for Earthly bacteria. Plus you're ignoring how thematic the ending is. Mankind is totally helpless throughout the story. When the Earth is saved, it's not due to any great heroism, but only to sheer dumb accident. Martian science was unable to overcome the uncaring cruelty of the universe any more than Earthly science was. It was basically Lovecraftian before Lovecraft.


So in other words, the movie sucked because of Germ Theory propaganda which redditors believe despite hating.


>You don't understand it makes sense because of a retarded conceit the author invented

Well the Signs aliens' planet clearly had no water, so they'd obviously also have no warning in the exact same way - again they're both equally dumb because it's literally the same thing, not taking precautions against the ubiquitous dangerous contaminants that an alien planet would obviously have.

If we give idiot logic a pass because it was dramatically satisfying (I actually do do this), then thanks for giving Signs a pass too. The ending was great, best presentation of serendipity and providence of any film I can think of.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


get me a glass of water? my old one…
it's contaminated


Stop shilling your own crap



Except this comparison doesn't work. Water is plainly visible from space, and microscopic contaminants are not. Even if you have no concept of water, you can see it and investigate what it is. But if you have no concept of microscopic contaminants, and you can't see them, then you cannot investigate them or take precautions against them. When you're talking about an alien world, taking anything for granted is retarded. It's not going to be obvious that there will be contaminants when you've never even heard of that.

Also, the Martians aren't some vast, spacefaring empire with experience of many planets with many conditions. They're just desperate blobs who sealed themselves into canisters and shot themselves out of a big cannon to the next planet over. The aliens from Signs have actual spaceships, they've presumably done actual space exploration and have had the chance to encounter water or ice before. There's simply far less excuse.


this post be hella reddit



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