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File: 1705585937949.png (814.06 KB, 1564x1606, 782:803, h34ok7wbx6dc1.png) ImgOps iqdb


What is the worst rated Episode in some of your Favourite TV Shows and what could quite possibly be the worst rated Episode and show in all of TV History?


>Season 9, episode 19 is the lowest rated Frasier episode
That's the one with the skull. Why is that the lowest rated one? It's not my favorite by any means, but it's not that bad. The one where Freddy becomes goth is much worse.


>Lisa Goes Gaga
Not a surprise.

>Twilight Zone

>The Bard
I don't think I ever saw this one.

>Twin Peaks

>Slaves and Masters
Again, not a surprise. The later episodes of the season 2 in general weren't that great but this one didn't even feel like Twin Peaks.


Frasier was painfully boring as a series.


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>Black Mirror
>Mazey Day
Definitely trash like most of season 6 but Joan Is Awful deserves the bottom spot. Also Metalhead and The Waldo Moment are way too low, I guess they are pleb filters


>Shades of Grey
Agree with this one. There is a lot of S1/2 kino near the bottom of the rankings though that doesn't deserve to be there.

>Masters of Horror

Don't even remember this one, must have been awful


>TNG S1/2
That's modern reddit revisionism claiming the episodes were racist. They're pretty good when you uncuck your brain.


It belongs to a pre-internet era. Frasier comedy is simply obsolete.


It elevated pop culture.


The Internet was very much a thing in the '90s my boy.


>he thinks America Online mattered



Zoom zoom

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