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Have you ever been interested in watching a movie/series but were hesitant because fans of that movie/series are so insufferable and so sick in the head that you're afraid if you watch it you'll become insufferable and sick in the head too?


OZ fans. I'm certain they're all just gay porn lovers (because I assume gay rape is regularly mentioned and shown)


Harry Potter and Twilight. Never watched any of that shit.


all the time


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Star Trek/Star Wars is the ultimate filter

Star Wars LOOKS cool and fun, is actually a boring series about some sexless monks that talk like they are lobotomized, barely anything relatable or human happens and is mostly characters power leveling eachother like a wuxia novel

Star Trek LOOKS boring and gay at first glance, is actually very fun with lots of cool sci-fi concepts, character focused episodes, relationships, romance, worldbuilding, action, drama etc.


I watched/read JoJo back in 2012 before it became famous, it's good. The manga is slightly better especially when the gap in visual quality between the manga widens during the later seasons.
The main appeal of JoJo is that it's superpower-fueled fights where you actually get the sense the participants are both trying their hardest to kill their foes. Unfortunately it being dubbed and pewdiepie mentioning it made it famous for reddit.

Star Trek overall is also quite good.


great analysis


>3 movies vs hundreds of episodes and a half dozen movies
Until the prequels of course, but you're still comparing two entirely different volumes of work. Don't mention EU because they both have their own.


I have never encountered a Jojo fan outside of imageboards and only found out about it from the epin maymay gifs that used to be posted on 4/b/ back in the day and didn't actually read it until like 2014. I don't hang out on namefag cuckime forums either, but from how obnoxious I keep seeing people cay they are you'd think they'd be all over like ponyggers were.
Not denying they're autistic (it's cuckime of fucking course the fans are autistic), just saying I've never witnessed it first hand.


Both are trash. Farscape is the patrician choose.


This is why I could never get into Farscape.


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Because you are a gay pleb? Ouch!


I decided to give Star Trek another chance. 4 episodes into the original series, just finished The Naked Time. So far, I liked the one where Kirk's friend gets ESP powers the best.


The original Star Wars films are just fundamentally sterile and lifeless worlds (and everything else isn't much better). It's useless to try to write off its flaws as being due to a lack of space to get properly fleshed out, since the further it went on the worse it got.

Any Trek episode with something as totally stupid and juvenile as the ewoks would be seen as one of the absolute worst of any one of the series (maybe excepting the modern ones like STD).

Unlike Star Trek moving past Roddenberry, Star Wars just never escaped Lucas' limited vision.

Contrarians will disagree but you don't lose much by starting with TNG and the TOS films. You can lose a lot of TNG's first season too.


Star Wars and Star Trek are different types of stories with different goals that can't really be compared. Star Wars is like an epic poem and its universe was only ever meant to prop up the story, to help give shape to the abstract ideal of heroism. Star Trek is more like a novel whose universe is itself often the story's central point of focus.


As soon as more Americans were introduced into the story the less interesting it became and the more obnoxious the fans got. A complete mystery!


The weird, seedy space Western world of Tatooine is great.
Admittedly, that's kind of where the original trilogy peaks as a thing. When you're outside of Tatooine, you basically have military instillations, and a forest.


That's because 90% of the fandom are only into Jojo because of the memes and never actually watched the show, let alone read the manga. Same thing applies to most videogames. You will see people online with almost encyclopedic knowledge of the most trivial shit proceed to completely misunderstand very basic mechanics in games or very clear-cut characters in cuckime because these people were always secondaries. Their real hobby is scouring wikis and participating in terminally online tier "debates", not actually playing the games or watching the shows, which is why they miss a lot of the simplest things that would have been basic knowledge to an actual player of the game or audience of a show.


Oof. I was calling you insufferable because Farscape fans always say exactly this
>Farscape is the patrician choose.


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Whenever I see "secondaries" or "gatekeeping" it's an immediate giveaway they are a neckbeard weeb, it literally only applies to japanese shit for babies. Imagine if you did that with western media

>Ugh get a load of these fake My Fair Lady fans… they haven't even seen Pygmalion live at the Hofburg…


>Redditor is seething about a post made 2 months ago.


TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT are kino
TOS is garbage
Anything post ENT is garbage


I watched one episode of JoJo and I think its a kinome for faggots. I did not watch a second.


Some of the characters on that poster have heads too small for their bodies. Is it like that on the show, too?


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>TOS is garbage
Wrong. TOS is the peak of Star Trek.


TOS had the worst execution but the stories the writers plagiarized wrote were so much better, especially in regards to the pacing, that it makes up for it.


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Quads of truth

Kino = DS9
Excellent = TNG, VOY, ENT
Okay/mediocre = TOS, SNW, some of the movies
Shit = Everything else



The Sopranos for example


I tried out Jojo and it turns out its fans were a bunch of tasteless shit-eating imbeciles.


it's not for everyone but it's one of the few superpower shows out there where you get a sense that characters are actually battling for life and limb
the newer seasons have lower production values for sure though


No shit, most of them are trannies, faggots and newfags in the anime/manga community.


>proceeds to watch capeshit


You made some Jojo tranny seethe, he is samefagging, mad at your opinion.


I saw like three episodes of jojo because a friend made me. I didn't get it. It was dumb.


It's anime. What did you expect?


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Oh I don't know. Maybe for them to have a little stamina.


jojo fans only have stamina to ride a black dildo and blow up random dudes at public parks at night


It's painfully obvious you're responding to yourself when the site typically only gets like 5 posts over the course of several hours dumbass. I bet the whole fuckin thread is you trying to stir shit and it's going nowhere and you have fuckall in regards to any kind of irl social options so you choose to do this retarded shit. Make a thread then pretend to b8 yourself then do nigger hoots about how you trolled that guy (you). One day I'll get my hands on your retarded monkey ass and shive your hands into a blender, have fun with your gau antics when you can't type anymore faggot


That was my first time posting in the thread.


Oh wait I posted something in the thread 3 months ago about the thread topic. How is this thread still alive.


you seems really butthurt, it's because of your small brown dick?


You seem to be posting, that's for sure.


Wasn't even talking about the anime, actually. Talking about the retarded manga.

It's just as bad as capeshit.


Steel Ball Run (part 7) is the opus
he actually quit calling it JoJo after part 6 , though it has always been part of the series in a way


Jojo fan here.

I just fapped watching DogFart.

I love being gay and seeing black cocks.


>How is this thread still alive.
When I get really angry about something I use threads like this to vent and berate the fags who post here. I frequently do not read more than a handful of posts, this site is my rage room and you're all just objects that happen to be in there.


What was your favorite dogfartkino, Jojofriend?


kill yourself loser


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Part 4 is the best one. Even tho part 3 have a good among of BBC. Here, my stand.


Now that is a picture. Disney channel should adopt that as their new logo.


that guy's actually a trekkie and a dup supporter
funny stuff


I'm sure we should take his public stances and persona at face value.


have you tried berating an AI anon?


>mods deleted >>333870 but kept >>333832 up
very cool moderation


Do you want a babysitter or a moderator


just seems like whoever deleted it didn't even bothering checking the context, since it was the same guy from that pic dressed as a star fleet captain
pretty retarded to delete that in a actual star trek thread while leaving a pic unrelated to it up


yeah well he posted him taking a dildo in another thread on another board, so I just deleted whatever he posted outside the /dup/ thread in the past 5 minutes. I can delete that and all the following comments so there isn't green text if that makes you happy.


that was a different poster then, nothing in >>333870 was nsfw


No, it was the same poster. >>333832 is actually a "different" poster.


well my post got caught in the crossfire, didn't even know there was a thread up about the guy on /dup/
I just thought it was funny that the dude was a hardcore trekkie in a thread about a bad fanbases and star trek


Forgive me. I will evaluate more pixels of his latest cuck obsession in the future.


>the less faggot jojo fanboy


No, when I rage I want retard barks like >>333831 and boogeyman accusations to fly around and shit the site up. I find it cathartic, meanwhile all an AI is going to do is try to be civil and they're all censored, which is gay.


Usually when children throw tantrums, they feel better afterward.
So what's your deal?


just download an uncensored AI


>just download a virus


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
AI is healing the world, bruh


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cool down with the seething


Oh great, this unfunny crap again


>huurrr hurrr hurrrr rrrrreeeeee stooppppittt
No lol
Too much effort just to shit on turds.
Cuckchan to reddit

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