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File: 1707942945271.jpg (507.2 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, 5688bb2f2ebb19966bbf9d49d3….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


what would you think of Liam Neeson being cast in the Matrix Films what would you reckon he would have played as in it what role would he have been?


He was typecast as the face, heel, and face to heel mentor throughout that time, so I shudder to think of him as Morpheus.
Assuming 2 and 3 were completely different and not about the robot invasion of Zion, he would have been an awesome ship captain.
How about Morpheus dies with his ship, sending Trinity, Neo, and Tank loose in an escape pod, lost to the ancient city sewer networks, found by Liam's ship in 2. Some badass mission ensues.
It would have been a good contrast from Morpheus's faith in the oracle shtick. It would have been a way to showcase the depth of philosophies of ship captains and how they see the war. He could be a lot more pragmatic for example.


Well, he could have been a more monstrous Agent Smith.


>this sloppy mick drunk

Moar liek Liam Peeson amirite?


They could have cast someone as a better replacement agent for lead agent in Reloaded, but that would potentially trump Smith.
The more time goes on, the more I hate 2 and 3.


that would have been very interesting to see




Bottom middle one is actually spooky as hell.

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