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File: 1708118726423.png (1.85 MB, 1200x740, 60:37, ab560cd0-j-balvin-tokischa….png) ImgOps iqdb


And the quadsflurry? Is on me


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Aaaaanndddd one for Ramon


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File: 1708213852643.jpg (1.68 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, balvfuture.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Ramonchads/balvinchads forever

One struggle, one vision

Truly the two giants of tvch


File: 1708214754594.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1095, 72:73, argument.png) ImgOps iqdb


Mannie Fresh and Bismarck in the same room. Imagine the power.


Wendy's is better.


Imagine a Freaky Friday style movie where they are transported into each other's bodies at the peak of their success, and Mannie has to learn late 19th century european politics, while Bismarck has to learn early 00's rap


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>The Berlin Conference of 1888, but hosted by Mannie Fresh




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In a double bill of Spinosluts, the daring sluts face their biggest prehistoric pecker yet, but will Zelda Ontoppalot make it out alive? Don't miss the premiere of "Fresh From The Future" airing right after, the hip hop time swap you've never seen before!

Get ready for "Fresh From The Future"! In this outrageous comedy, Mannie Fresh and Otto Von Bismarck each touch a mysterious time-bending artifact that swaps their places in time. Can they survive each other's worlds and find a way back to their own time?

In the pilot episode, Mannie finds himself thrust into the Berlin Conference, where Otto is supposed to be making crucial decisions that will shape the course of European history. Meanwhile, Otto must impress record executives and secure a record deal in the fast-paced world of hip-hop. As they hilariously stumble through each other's worlds, they might just realize they may have more in common than they thought.


Will Mannie be able to stand up to Wilhelm II?


Wilhelm 2 was quite young, either just a teenager or just out of being a teenager, during the berlin conference, which I believe was in 1884 and was the thing that carved up and partitioned africa among all the great powers

the concept of a negro going back in time and shucking and jiving all over the partition of africa is something that has so much gay pozz potential I'm amazed a bunch of retards on tvch are the first ones to think of it

except that americans barely know such a thing happened, of course


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Nice quads.


File: 1709152379950.png (1.59 MB, 1268x1334, 634:667, it's over Balv bros, Bryan….png) ImgOps iqdb

Oh no no no no balvsisters.


Built like adonis tbh


File: 1712229277084.gif (458.72 KB, 300x169, 300:169, ThereYouGo.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Based quads.


The coonery, tattoos, and jigabooism? It on me.


>rainbow hair
Gay like the grids nigger


Get a new material, jewgoblin.


I hope you die of grids you fucking retard. Still posting this shit after years. Faggot.


Lmao no, really, Balvin is a good incel meme, at least for obese incels.


File: 1712319375187.png (1.05 MB, 1247x629, 1247:629, Ramon.PNG) ImgOps iqdb

>Tranny asshurt


>fag is angry
Go die from GRIDS, shit dick faggot.


I'm so sorry this is how you're spending your last few days on earth until the AIDs takes you. I wish you had more to do, anon.


Funny. You love to use the term incel, just like a left-winger redditor. When in fact, you used to get assblasted because some anons actually have gfs or wifes. You already said you are an incel, and yet, cries about anyone who disagrees with you projecting your own failures.
I you're either a fat redditor or a pajeet.


Be careful, this hurts the mods' feelings :(

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