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so Apparently this dude had sex with both Maisie and Emilia, Soros supposedly contacted the representatives of the actresses and ordered them to meet them. They would have seen Clarke and Maisie get out of a BMW (owned by Soros) one night and went to the Rosewood Hotel, and apparently they were some paparazzi photos of them together with Soros.


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George by George, they are used to it.



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Doesn't seem like his type


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I know you did it because you're psychotic but at least this thread is kind of amusing.


Why doesn't he ever add to the thread



The welfare slave is rich in pedantry


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How much are they getting paid, or are they doing it for free?


It's not about the money. It's about sending a message.


The Muslim will submit to sin IF the end goal is hurt the jew. The Christian witnesses and despaires, yet prepares to settle the true holy land.


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So they're true believers in the thug hunting cause?


>The Muslim will submit to sin IF the end goal is hurt the jew
Only recent white converts and naive retards who don't actually know any muslims believe this. They're just as much of kike tools as Christians are.



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