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I fucking love this woman soo fucking much, the most based woman on the planet right now


She's just a feminist whining about how her feminist cunt entitlement is getting hollowed out by her own leftist morality. She wants her cake and eat it too.
Trannys are good because of how they fuck over feminism. Obviously you shouldn't troon out but if some leftist fag wants to wear a wig, cut his balls off, and make witches seethe, let him.


From Mein Kampf to Harry Potter


More men are raped in prison than women are raped outside of prison. I couldn't care less if they put men in women's prison, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.


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>Ensuring the worst criminal retards reproduce with each other

Thats exactly why niggers and beaners are terrible all their ancestors were retard criminals. Do you really want more shitskin ferals roaming around?


>More men are raped in prison than women are raped outside of prison.
Your point? Prison is full of scum anyway.


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JK Rowling should be given every single thing she has asked for, but in return a neverending amount of trannies will be moved into her houses and given steroids and gorilla hormones. She can't misgender them or be rude or refuse them in any way. No-one else would bear the burden, only her

I call it The Ones Who Trooned Away From Omelas


>Your point?
Because this is Bagelian dialectic bullshit. You hate troons, so your programmed response is to defend the position of female prisoners due to the off chance that a few of them will get raped by these fake MtF prisoners. Meanwhile, men are being raped on an industrial scale, and it's the butt of jokes.


>She's just a feminist whining about how her feminist cunt entitlement is getting hollowed out by her own leftist morality. She wants her cake and eat it too.
This part is true. Not liking trannies is the only good thing you can say about her type of feminism.


>Meanwhile, men are being raped on an industrial scale, and it's the butt of jokes.
No, no, no. Criminals are being raped on an industrial scale. I don't give a fuck what murderers and rapists do to each other once they've been removed from polite society. Why do you?


I like trannies more than hag feminists. I actually identify a little with trannies, because let's face it, they're just men who got abused and tossed away by the rest of society and went a little bit crazy searching for an exit route.
I understand that. What I can never identify with is the endless entitlement of women, and their refusal to even see men as real people. I can't view them as anything other than the ivory tower aristocrats of genders, complaining that the poor wont just do what they say and stay out of their sight the rest of the time.


I just see victims of kike brainwashing.


We don't torture. Cruel and unusual punishment is unconstitutional. The government is complicit by allowing the conditions which lead to mass rape of men.

The conditions of American prisons is what leads to recidivism. If you're not a monster going in, you will be when you get out.


>We don't torture.
Are you fucking high? Did you just forget about all the Bush and Obama-era torture programs? We DO torture people.


That's right, all anti-semites are criminal scum. Their militant racism and holocaust denial is threatening our peace.


I mean there's more than crazy murderers and rapists in prison, including innocent people who were wrongly convincted. Prison is already terrible, and you want to add torture on top of it.


tbh, I care less about women being raped in prison, than I do about men being raped in prison.


>t. Zach


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The thing that always bothers me about these terf bitches is that they are perfectly happy when the trannies are only bothering men.
Pay close attention to the final section, where the women polled say that men's bathrooms should just have all the trannies. There's also the part about sports, men didn't entertain the idea of trannies invading the opposite sex's sporting events at all; women hard rejected trannies in their sports but only softly rejected them in men's sports.
Men are principled, whether they are for trannies or against them, they care about fairness. Women just care about utility and will follow whatever fancies they have until it finally affects them.


It seems almost too obvious to say, but a lot of these women (most of them, let's be honest) really just don't like men, and that's what it's about for them.
They want to make sure men are under control, unhappy, and doing all of the work in some corner somewhere, so that they can sit around writing crap books and eating chocolate or whatever it is that they do.

The tranny thing upsets them, because they see it as men trying to step out of their proper place, and their proper place is beneath women. Men's proper role is to be a workhorse, and a punching bag for the venting of female frustrations.

When a man says to one of these feminists "I don't want to be a man anymore, I want to be a women", what they are really communicating to them is "I want your social privilege for myself. I want access to your spaces, because they're nicer than mine". And that makes them furious.


We've had long and loud warning from the biblical to the historical on keeping women silent and subservient.


Disney's main audience.


even niggers and most other mammals figured that out, human feminism is just endless subversion



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Do you really think a kike court system with shitskin judges gives White Men their fair trials? I mean there has multiple big cases of White People in the last decade of White People defending their self from feral nigger criminals. Or White People being the most at risk in prison.

There is scum in prison but the police once you have dealt with them you will find they are the bigger scum and regularly seek to ruin peoples lives on purpose while letting actual brown criminals skip around. The average criminal doesn't have a state sponsored militarized police to falsely kidnap and abuse you. Along with the fact that non-white judges favor their own and give less fair rulings to White defendants.


Police are the lowest form of life in american society right down there with journalists and soldiers tbh, doing zog's bidding is gay


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Haven't you got somewhere to be…?



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yho yo yo


did the tranny mean to get?


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Jewtin is literally Voldemort!


fag projecting this hard


>Ukrainians think that's a castle

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