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Comedians who were never funny and were only perceived as being funny from a very small demographic who tried to make they are funny from being the same race or sex as them


Imagine if The Rock and Chris Rock had a baby together. It would be The Rock Rock hehe


Christ Rock and Steve Martin are both trash, they almost single handles killed the comedy in the 90's.


I actively dislike Steve Martin. He has an unpleasant aura.
He's like Leslie Neilson with none of what made Leslie Neilson funny or charming.


He's based because he made me feel like I can call people niggers without being a heckin racist.


kevin hart, bill hicks and louis ck.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>bill hicks
I loved him in high school, but I feel like his work hasn't aged well. Looking back, a lot of it just comes across as him chastising everyone for not being enlightened left-wing idealists like him.
>louis ck
Cuckold King used to be good, but I don't know about anything he's done after Hilarious.


D for Donut guy was funny.

Steve Martin is hilarious.


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I wouldn't say they were never funny, but the amount of praise Richard Pryor and George Carlin get is ridiculous. They're both 6/10s at best, but listen to any comedian talk about comedy and they always say these two are the greatest of all time, as though they're be forced to at gunpoint. Even The Beatles don't get as much praise in the world of music as these two do in the world of comedy.


I've actually thought a great deal about Pryor as it pertains to Rock. I think there's a kayfabe aspect to comedy and stardom in general. There simply weren't a lot of top comedians back then, so they shill certain ones and pair them with talented comedic actors to get them over.

Another caveat is I think they gaslight audiences by saying they were hilarious and great. I think it's a technique of installing false memories. Once they're over, then new comedians talk about how they were inspired by them, so then people think comedians like Rock are funny.


Cuck King Cuckypastas are like fifty times funnier than anything that jew has ever actually said.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Why do these comedians refuse to do the grade A material?
>Embarrassing themselves in front of the public
>Getting some props to do stupid shit
So far the only times when a stand up comedian got funny are the moments when their retarded stage falls apart:
>Chris Rock getting slapped
>Dave Chapelle duking out with a clout chasing nigger
>Cosmo Kramer shouting "NIGGERS"
>That nigger cracking a joke at the expense of George Floyd who got quickly heckled by his own cattle


That's a good take and I do think much of the fame these people have is basically just a forced meme.


I think the Kramer "NIGGERS" bit was staged, freemason style.
Seinfeld came out looking like a golden boy, every comedian that slammed him came out looking squeaky clean, and Kramer's career was essentially sacrificed because it could be. It was going nowhere. The fact that he was doing a standup show at all was the biggest surprise to me.


Well-done slapstick is timeless humor. Unfortunately, I don't know there's anyone capable of pulling it off anymore.


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His stand up routine was so fucking dumb, as expected when doing his slapstick routine during Seinfeld's run DID in fact put him in the map and arguably speaking you can include those forgotten movies in which he also appeared.



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I'm not a big fan of the guy, but credit where it's due, he was kind of spittin here.


All blacks are niggers.


Same. And I believe even Sam Hyde actually shit talked Steve Martin.


There was a trend like 10-15 years ago where they kept pushing unfunny hipsters with weird names.
>Zach Galifinackus
>Anthony Jeselnick
Those are the only two I remember but there were more.


I just remembered another one
>Sam Hyde


Sam is good, troon, his only problem is how he kinda give up of putting anything good unless he gets a good crew.

I don't blame him, if I was surrounded by braindead zoomers, had an audience that was primarily made up of boring moralfags and was blacklisted I would also find myself becoming lazy and a parasite.


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There was still good comedians or ones at their prime comedy central presents had sneak good talent. I would take those over all the comedians now, I haven't found one comedian that is funny because they are either:

>A blatant false thing about omg White people do this wrong

>soyboys promoting fags and how wholesome they are
>literal faggots
>shitskins with zero funny anything
>every God damn comedian is now lecturing on what you can or can't joke about
>nigger worship
>Bringing up current events with npc statements
>women comedians
>subhuman indian "comedians"


That doesn't even make sense. Have you not seen the Fishtank audience?


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Sam Hyde


That's nearly every black comedian. Cosby, Eddie Murphy, and Chapelle were okay, but Patrice was the only truly great black comedian. Going in the opposite direction, Carrot Top is legitimately good, he's just a dogshit actor.

Steve Martin is good when he's allowed to be unpleasant, but too many films tried to make him out as a wholesome family man and it just doesn't fit him.


>Steve Martin is good when he's allowed to be unpleasant, but too many films tried to make him out as a wholesome family man and it just doesn't fit him.
I agree with this take. I liked him as the villain in Little Shop of Horrors.


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Hes good in Only Murders in the Building too (comfy murder mystery show)


Same with women who are mediocre to ugly but shilled as the most beautiful in the world


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Damn its been 13 years since zyzz died I still remember people talking about how he faked his death because his brothers video was very strange and the grave had no headstone.


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