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Going through the show again but this time remembering their end show achievements and I have to give it to Francis. Solid C+. Dropped out of high school, emancipated himself, got a shit job, married a brown girl, moved, new job in same industry but with honest bosses, making a living. :')


I absolutely hated this show, and I never knew why. Either the mom was ugly, or the dad was too dopey when he shouldn't have been, or the voiceover was atrocious. Something was always demoralizing about it.


The dad looked like someone who dealt drugs on the side.


Poor Dewey…


One of the best written sitcoms it was too relatable sometimes.


>Malcolm in the middle


Only series I watched from beginning to end, being on a good time slot where I lived helped it a lot.
Peak 2000s kino


It's like a time capsule. That's my feels. Traffic jam episodes really brought the message home that we're all in the same shit together. Janie return really hit the feels.


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Was dewie actually molested by bryan cranston that whole blind item seemed oddly true with the fact dewie did infact stay at his house often.


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Never watched a single episode of MITM, but maybe that's a good thing since its popularity steadily declined with each season until almost everybody abandoned it.


You'd think if it wasn't true there would have been a reunion show by now.


Lois was a bitch. Would've hatefucked.


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I liked the ending. Reminds us that hard work and perseverance does pay off in the end, but it's a long hard road.


Worst mother ever too a actual psychopath whore.


Whore she was not. Screehing-psychic-vampire-banshee yes. But her commitment to her marriage is actually extremely respectable.


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It was the better alternative when the Simpsons went downhill, Malcolm was dealing with the topic of living with a dysfunctional family while the Simpson just had the unnecessary celebrity cameo to keep the show relevant. I'm aware that George Costanza and Doc Brown would also make appearances in Malcolm, but they at least made them mesh into the environment so organically.


Just like every show
But it was mostly a quality show to the end, it gets a bit formulaic at the end and Francis arc doesn't really go anywhere but other characters and situtations plus some character backstory turn it around.
I guess people were just burned out, it's a pretty cynical show and it was on for 6 years straight on Sunday Nights.

Burnout is real


For me, the talking straight to camera is a strange thing to do, and when I see it now (even in the British House of Cards which pre-dated it) I just think of MITM. Quintessence of the format for me.

The drop-off point for me was the introduction of a kid even younger than Dewey. Before then there are a lot of jokes that are pre-overton window shift. After that it's more story focused and srs becoming adults business at the expense of the time for or the room for much of the comedy.


I liked the slap stick comedy of baby Jamie outsmarting Reese


>She had multiple other boyfriends while dating Hal
>Its implied she fucked Boone Vincent in the VIP room before malcolm showed up
>Wanted to fuck her son put her face on all of reeses porn magazine and walked around topless around the boys
>Strung along the fat nerd for years


>She had multiple other boyfriends while dating Hal
I said her marriage

>Its implied she fucked Boone Vincent in the VIP room before malcolm showed up

I have to rewatch this one

>Strung along the fat nerd for years

orbiters have always been around. modern technology keeps them locked away in their rooms in front of a screen nowadays.

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