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File: 1710976413580.mp4 (24.33 MB, 854x480, 427:240, The Sopranos Tony Soprano ….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


why did they make him into such a whiny sensitive little pussy?


AJ was possibly the worst-written character on the show, he really jumped the shark when he became a cuckold for the Puerto Rican. He should've stayed with Devin.


As bad as they ruined him, the worst episode for me is still the therapist rape one. Most unnecessary, boring, pandering thing in the whole series.


When he was laughing to himself about internet memes and obsessing over Israel, they totally predicted /pol/ before it was a thing.


File: 1711158674119.jpg (137.69 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, sopranos-d99e429c58914dc5b….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Tony died, crew was wiped out shortly after
>AJ kills his soft side to rebuild the dynasty of the NJ mafia
Make it happen


Even before The Sopranos had ended its run, the NJ mafia had been reduced from a roaring lion to a little kitty cat.


All Tony's crew already died except Paulie who lived on because he represents the idiot stumbling through life trope.


Fuck you mean my dago?? NJ was telling NY how to handle business post season 3


The actors that were alive in the plot are dead in real life so just kill em all. Christopher's character was shit anyways but somebody had to play the delusional young guy.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Being spoiled and abused by 2 narcisistic ego tripping maniacs that were his parents.
Knowing shits weird but never understanding why.

He's a misguided kid that understands his family and society is fucked but doesn't have the maturity and the intelligence to put his finger on what exactly.


I mean IRL. The mafia depicted on the show no longer exists in that form. They are into legal rackets now. Post-9/11 age of surveillance made it untenable.


Not only that they have literal wikipedias with their names on it.
A lot of their kids want normal lives too.
But they still run all the concrete and trash business in NYC/ Chicago. Along with credit unions and loans.


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The mexican mafia basically took over as soon as the feds went after the Italians, personally I would rather the Italian mafia ran things still because they didn't destroy nice neighborhoods with fentanyl and the mexican mafia is basically a arm of the mexican government with far more animosity towards average White People.


File: 1711466417911.gif (2.34 MB, 640x352, 20:11, supernatural-you-know-it.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Oh you mean this universe

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