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File: 1710984843100.mp4 (2.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, GTNMt84KT0k.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


>Sequel to Alien
>Prequel to Aliens
Are you ready for the Alien franchise to go back to its roots?


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>Le isolated plot setting
They always over do the root return meme with scopeless stories that don't span.
Somehow they timetraveled the Jurassic Park girl to current year.


Where is the third sequel prequel? I don't care about this bullshit, I want closure to the prequel arc.


>He thinks there's ever closure in film/tv.
The point is for it to always keep going.


Looks like shit.


File: 1711060060456.jpg (794.38 KB, 1362x2000, 681:1000, Alien_Romulus_Poster.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Where is the third sequel prequel? I don't care about this bullshit, I want closure to the prequel arc.
Probably not going to happen now that Disney is in charge of 20th Century Fox and the Alien franchise. I don't think they want to give Ridley Scott the time or the budget for where he wanted to take the prequels.

There are spoilers floating for Alien: Romulus right now, and one of them is that [spoiler] the black goo from Prometheus will be featured in Alien: Romulus in some way [/spoiler] but that's the only connection I've been hearing about.

The official posters always look so uninspired. One of the fan made posters from last year was much more attention grabbing (pic related).


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Benjamin Wallfisch is confirmed to be the composer. He made some decent tracks for Blade Runner 2049 and the recent adaptations of Stephen King's It. Alien Romulus' score will be in good hands.


>if we put in random noises people won't notice how completely boring this trailer is


It was not a good soundtrack. It was an attempt to imitate the original, and the movie was so long and boring, that the music was grating.


Looks and sounds so idiotic.


Another kino that will btfo'd all the anti-sjw chuds.


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As much as I like Prometheus/Covenant it makes sense Fox cut him off, he was planning to stretch it out for four more movies. I hope Disney throws him a bone though and lets him make a limited series or something, David is too good to waste


They took too long, he'll be too old, they'll have to CGI de-age him, it's over


>it makes sense
Why? I'm tired of soulless garbage. Give artists free reign.
It's too late now though. Scott is like 87 years old.


>I'm tired of soulless garbage.
Does that mean this site is going to be shut down?


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>Scott is like 87 years old.
And somehow he continues to churn out movies like there's no tomorrow. He's also been producing a dozen other TV shows and directed two episodes of Raised by Wolves.


It's easy to be productive when you're old when you're no longer distracted by women and don't have a physical labor job.


>Gladiator 2
Stronk wahm "gladiator", I bet


This is soulful garbage.


His last good movie was in the 80's, so what's your point?

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