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Do niggas and jews really pimp out and dope up actual mentally retarded girls?

Why don't feminists speak on the porn industry more? Is it because white women hold all of the feminist cultural capital and will never criticize or invalidate anything that enforces their fetishization and superiority even if it devastates women?

Is this also why there's more mainstream feminist outrage over white men just sitting on the subway than there is about nonwhite males assaulting and raping girls on public transit, would rather girls get rained and beaten than lose nonwhite males as a source of worship and fetishization? Can women really not have beliefs?

Remember when people found her modeling audition tapes and about the accident, and her probably very real brain damage and cognitive impaiment and offered to help her, she refused and called them creeps and said she's well taken care of with her pimps and pushers? It's really hard to feel any sympathy for women these days kek


>feel sorry for this race traitor, it's not her fault, she's retarded (what coal burners aren't?)
This was one of the dumbest nu/pol/ memes.


>do jews really


is she still around? Don't some white nationalist got married with her? oh nvm, it's some episode of Murdoch Murdoch


Last I heard she quit porn when she had a baby and was looking to become an e-thot because she needs simps to pay for it.


Yeah they also give kike girls rhinoplasties and get them to boink niggers too. Pretty much nothing is beyond pornographers, it's also probably the most effective psychological weapon. I never heard people casually remark about nigger cock before porn became available to any idiot with a smartphone, now pretty much any faggot that isn't making a serious documentary will eventually make some stupid quip about shit colored peepees.


Feminists used to criticize the porn industry but then porn began making a ton more money with the internet so they were ordered to decided of their own free will to shift to saying that porn is actually empowering for women. Also, the porn industry serves as a huge front for sex trafficking, so the elites won't allow them to criticize it anymore.


>I never heard people casually remark about nigger cock before porn became available to any idiot with a smartphone
This is true. Steve Jobs gave us the smartphone so 10-year-old girls would be able to look up nigger dicks on the school bus ride home.


Feminists like porn because it harms men disproportionately. If they can get money out of it, even better.
Feminism is spite. Nothing more. Morally it is an extension of nigger culture.


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Feminism is a child of Jewry, and is steered by jews.




Basically the jews came up with this idea of feminism to drive a wedge between Whitey and his woman. This is how they are wiping us out, over the decades they've successfully turned our women against us until we've lost control of them.


Feminism goes back to the era of the French Revolution. Even modern feminism has it's roots in Simone de Beauvoir (French.) Jew feminism is just one variant.


>da jooooooooos
I mean, yeah, Jews are opportunists…but I know you're a white knight faggot. Neck yourself.


Guess who subversively fomented the French Revolution.


Feminism might be disproportionately Jewish, but that Baphomet symbol really isn't doing anything for the credibility of this image.


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Hmmm what are you going to do about it? Cry and do nothing and make 500 more impotent posts on imageboards? Yeah thats what I thought hahahahaha. Get with the winning team already


You never had control of a woman in your life dicklet, what's to lose??? Screaming at mommy for more tendies doesn't count


I don't think Jews are going to necessarily be the winning team. Secular Jews are either mixing themselves out of the gene pool or not having kids, and among Jews in Israel it's the Haredi retards who are popping out the most kids. Good luck maintaining any kind of advanced society with them as the majority.


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Why is there so much kike activity on this website


trannyjannys allow it




Were Jews a major force in the French Revolution? From what I understand, they mostly stayed in their ghettos until Napoleon brought them out.
The biggest contribution the Americans made to the French Revolution was getting the king of France to support their own revolution, where he ended up blowing through the kingdom's money to own the Anglos epic style which was a contributing factor in the French Revolution. Most Americans were actually against the French Revolution because of how barbaric it became and because they saw the Louis XVI as an ally. There was actually a small war between America and the revolutionaries in the French colonies because of that.


This isn't allowed, and it's not necessary. We can take your word for it.


Not only are they jewish, they're horribly ugly.



I'm glad you didn't use the hard r, that would've offended the users of this fine internet establishment


>Were Jews a major force in the French Revolution? From what I understand, they mostly stayed in their ghettos until Napoleon brought them out.

The death of the king was a sacrifice ritual.
They killed a lot of christians not just the king


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Jews and feminists hate transgirls, and being trans is part of aryan culture.


Gas yourself, faggot.


Going "trans" makes you a golem of Baphomet. (((Gender-affirming care))) turns you into an abomination before sterilizing and killing you.


>you can either hate trannies or jews, you must choose one and only one.
Oh wow, never encountered this kike trick before


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Truly an aryan tradition, also including manipulating little retards at Discord.


Imagine being a tranny and making posts like this to defend jews while Gazans are dying every day.


Part of me still wants Britain to be bombed to dust Hitler style, but this slow and humiliating death is pretty good too.


You know you're jewish, right?


Your thinking is all wrong. You don't throw out the baby with the bathwater, and destroy all the good people of a nation just because evil has seized power.


>good people of a nation
I'm talking about Britain


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>honestly all of india needs to be bombed to dust Hitler style, but this slow and humiliating death from indians being walking shit is pretty good too. Can't wait for the indians to boil alive from chinese nukes.

Kill yourself shitskin.


Total Indian Death would be good too


>all of India vanishes into the ocean
>whole planet's atmosphere smells better
>the entire Indian and parts of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are now too poisonous for any marine life whatsoever
I'd still take that option.

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