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watch the full interview, it's actually really good


>constantly apologizes
>says the stress of having to make so many episodes all the time got to him
>wants jokes that are inappropriate for modern audiences cut from his work
Dan caved, but there are some interesting bits that go against what some people have written and what was said in the series.
>every decision had to be approved by both groups of executives and a ton of bureaucrats and go through the opinions of all of the caregivers on set despite the tight schedule
>every on-air dare had to go through the network
>the female writers lied about a gender-biased wage discrepancy
>it's common practice to make new writers share wages
>Dan tries as hard as he can to put blacks in his shows
>Dan was a father figure on and off set
>Dan understood what the lead actresses of Sam and Cat wanted and fought to get the show off the air
>Dan was never banned from his set, he wanted Sam and Cat gone and just wrote scripts during shoots when he realized he couldn't get it off the air
>Dan had nothing to do with hiring Brian Peck and did not attend his trial
>Dan helped write Drake's mother's speech in court
>Dan wants increased vetting and psychiatric screenings for child actors
Overall, it seems like Dan was humbled after having to leave Nick, but many of the accusations against him seem overblown because he was the big name attached to these projects and already had public opinion against him due to the foot stuff.


>wants jokes that are inappropriate for modern audiences cut from his work
What could possibly be so politically incorrect from a kids' show made in the past 25 years that he would edit it out?


the impression I got was that it's not so much that there's something specific he wants removed, but that he isn't surprised there's various things others might want to remove nowadays


I hope we don't go down this road, that so many would like us to, of censoring media from the past. This is one of the downsides of streaming platforms vs. physical media. If they want to add context disclaimers at the beginning of a feature, I'm okay with that, but it should go no further.


If the work is altered, it should be considered a new work, and the date timestamp release should be accounted for with it. It's essentially a "new edition."


I don't like the disclaimers, either, but if it's between that and cutting things out, it's the lesser of two evils.


True, but it is tainted. It'd be like dup writing a forward for Obama's auto-biography.


disney has been doing this a lot ever since their streaming platform launched


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>another petty attempt to slander Our Man Dan


It's kinda fucked up that it's become a trend to slander this poor bastard all because a disgusting coal burner bitch implied that he's to blame for her poor mental state along with the victorious chick who is still hanging on to old shit he had nothing to do. What can he do to prove he didn't SA these kids? What's interesting here is that it seems that the higher ups forced him to make foot fetish shit


>muh poor jews, the eternal innocent victims


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>It's kinda fucked up that it's become a trend to slander this poor bastard all because a disgusting coal burner bitch implied that he's to blame for her poor mental state along with the victorious chick who is still hanging on to old shit he had nothing to do. What can he do to prove he didn't SA these kids? What's interesting here is that it seems that the higher ups forced him to make foot fetish shit

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