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File: 1711772781816.jpg (96.75 KB, 915x1024, 915:1024, 1711680142337563.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Starring Tom Holland, the typecast beta oil driller.


Movies are officially dead.
It can't get any worse than this.
If Romeo was a diversity fag it would be better because then no person would be enticed to watch it.


Technically it's not a movie, it's a stage production in London, but it'll be recorded and shilled.


>It can't get any worse than this.
I'm afraid it can, anon.


If it was a random nigger as Romeo as well, nobody would see it except niggers.
Holland is pretty famous and white, so it's marketed to whites.


This one will have even more gunfire than Romeo+Juliet


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Just for context black people are 4% of the UK population so casting 70% of actors as black is an over-representation of 1750%

I mostly feel bad for Juliet since Freema moggs her badly despite being 20 years older


>literally 4 wh*te people, one of which is a cameraman

Racist tbh, why the fuck aren't they all africans to reflect the true diversity of england?


They ran out of niggers that could memorise Shakespeare.


>implying the ones they have can either


Bixio and Noodliet

Again, stock up on physical media while you can, because they are going to turn everything into niggers.

I hate niggers.


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Here is the Bongcoon director, who should be castrated.


>tattoo hair

that's one way to hide your male pattern baldness


Look at this disgusting malcontent, who has made himself into a circus freak, bent on spreading ugliness in the world. Shit floats to the top.


It isn't. We all know he's not stone cold Steve Austin. Hes soft Bong faggot with fake ink hair. Might as well wear heals and makeup.


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I think this is the most groid looking groid I've ever seen.


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Ugh… you guys are missing the point.
He found her. It wasn't random. It wasn't da joos.


This fucking guy is supposedly only 27. He looks like he's 37.


That's why he's going black.


>Mr. Stark? My asshole's getting loose, Mr. Stark.


he looks at least 47
jesus christ this dude hit the wall hard


okay i take that back
he looks at least 40


It has to be a mask. that can't be him


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wiggers should all be fucking euthanized


Tattoos really show their current mental state.


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File: 1712424838389-1.jpg (96.87 KB, 1260x620, 63:31, jamie.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Oh no no nooooooo he tried it

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