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File: 1712147690308.jpg (190.37 KB, 1365x1024, 1365:1024, 301520250_5097046040399685….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


I am Ashamed and appalled that there hasn't been a Thread on here yet discussing and honouring the life and works of Klaus Kinski one of 20th century greatest and less known actors


I remember him as the hunchback from a few dollars more but that's it.


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I dont know who that is


>less known actors
Mutt moment, he's massive outside Hollywood, kinda like Richard Harrison or Charles Bronson pre-Death Wish


>I love men.
Buttfucking moment


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Whoa so crazy guy


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I watched most of the Herzog collaborations that I hadn't seen before a while ago and enjoyed Cobra Verde a lot more than I thought I would. Aguirre's probably still my favorite though.


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Fun fact, he's the grandfather of Zoey from Left 4 Dead


>Zoey 101 with boomers
There are a few voice actors in the Bing Bing Wahoo industry whose ancestors appeared during the golden age of cinema.


Certified Ramon Moment (tm)


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It was a different time


Do you watch movies?


he's a pedo molested his daughter he deserves nothing


I think she was a teenager at the time. H might have been a rapist, but he was still an extremely talented actor.


I know im just fucking with you, i dont care about moralfagging


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What's anons go-to for watching Aguirre? Dub or Sub?
I've watched it a few times now and I've always stuck with the English dub because it's what happened to be the audio on the torrent I originally downloaded.
I now own the BFI set so I have the option to watch it in German. I know that they're both dubs but from what I understand the German has a couple of the characters voice lines being not out of sync or being less out of sync than the EN dub and some of the dialogue lines are slightly different.
I'd like to check it out but the dub is what I'm used to so I'm inclined to watch it that way.
What do you guys prefer?


I've never watched the dub and never plan on it.

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