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Disney will be saved by that ancient jew! Trust me!


Way too long and not nearly subtle enough.


Eh, I thought it was alright, didn't make me die of cringe like E;R or Synthetic Man where they do a "wink wink aren't I based" every five seconds. Still won't be watching because like all of these anti-woke youtubers he seems to cover 90% Disney instead of just watching literally anything else


What (((we))) want for Disney is to return to its less pozzed era, so (((we))) could suck off his corpse like in the old days and keep on behaving like overgrown toddlers. Trust the plan, goyim!


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Captain Marvel's only kryptonite is dark skinned women. She doesn't have the heart to defeat the villain in Captain Marvel 2, teams up with two blacks, is gf/gf with a darky, has black gf in first one.


I've never watched any of that goyslop tbh


Okay, we have unironically nazis around here.

I would rather be around sjws instead of actually nazis! Show me one good series or movie made by nazis. I'll wait.


>He thinks symptoms of a high society revolve around television and movies.
Have you considered the possibility that you might be a woman in a man's body


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>Show me one good series or movie made by nazis.


>Show me one good series or movie made by nazis
Triumph of the Will, retard. It must be painful for shitlibs who feel obligated to praise anything a woman or non-white does to know that the woman who was probably the greatest female filmmaker of the 20th century was a Nazi propagandist.


>nazi becomes a feminist to own the libs


I didn't say anything feminist, and I'm not a Nazi.


You're unraveling.


You neonazis retards are really special needs type. He is being sarcastic, since he is a retarded nazi like yourself, and yet, you got butthurt and triggered by his shitpost.
That's why you fucking losers cry about boogeymen all the time. Christ won, Hitler is burning in hell. Done. Enjoy your night being a sperg.


I wasn't ass blasted before but, you know what? Now I am.


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>the Mexcrement is back to shitting up the site again


>I would rather be around sjws instead of actually nazis!

Then go do that.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>we have unironically nazis around here.
The good liberals are gone, or massflagging anything that bruised their egos.

>Christ won
How come you cucks end up praising this marxist cesspool?
>Christ had every degenerate paraphilia
<plz praise our lord and donate your welfare shekels
Doesn't matter if you imply Christ was the original leftie, you'll never get that clout from the terminal online dykes and your kind has definitely forgiven the republicans wiping out nuns and priests during the Spanish Civil War.


I heard all of these pro-gay pastors/priests were fake


they are. not properly ordained but given a soapbox thanks to main stream media


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we never left


If the Asians, save the japs, zipper heads, and flips (even though they're actually pacific islanders), were to be wiped off the face of the earth would anyone care?


I don't know why you made an exception for flips, they're only used as little brown fucktoys and even then they're inferior to Thais.


I was more perplexed by the omission of zipperheads which are pretty much the most useless NPCs on the planet


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You disgusting beaners are not welcome we know your butthurt because mexishits are fragile.



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Stone age rules we could take everybody


Latrinos weren't known for their fighting ability, that's how you were so easily subjugated by a few Spaniards and Portuguese who game over on boats.


To be fair, organic warfare without industrialized replenishment methods made armies extremely cautious of new technology because it usually meant an absurdly profound advantage. If there was one piece of new tech, it was avoided until researched, evaluated, and tested. A battle I remember reading about was how hundreds or thousands were thwarted by a small crewed boat that had a cannon on it. Any time the army approached, they would shoot it. Maybe they wouldn't even hit anybody, but it would scare the shit out of them, and they'd run off because they had no idea what it could do.


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>First native cities weren't even build before 750 BC
>No metal, just stone
>Literal spear chuckers
>Colonization but no firearms or ethics
Imagine all the rapings! Oh god, I'm getting hard just thinking about them!


Tbqh, latrinos are actually good in fights


Their women couldn't win the fight against BWC.


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I'm not talking about ufc or boxing. I'm talking about warfighting. They got their shit pushed in on their home turf by a few conquistadors whom they outnumbered by an order of magnitude.


>outnumbered by an order of magnitude
Conquistadores weren't dumb, they made allies in the Americas and in terms of Mesoamerica they fought in the end with almost a 1:1 ratio, that's why Cortez didn't completely subjugate the Tlaxcaltecs or the orthodox Aztec loyalists in the coast of Vera Cruz because they fought with him against the common enemy which was the Mexica who got into power by couping the Aztec Tri Kingdom.
Read a book, nigger


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>quick, let me ask ChatGPT for some details on this matter to btfo this gringo


Sounds like they new the strong horse when they saw it.


>latinx trash are on tvch
Is there an imageboard that isn't frequently used by retarded spics nowadays? whites and asians gatekeeping chat rooms make a lot of sense now

Fun fact, if you want a quick laugh, don't forget that shitskins are fragile people so if you go on cuckchan and call spics latinx on their anime board, you're guaranteed replies by seething pathetic subhumans and even a 3 day ban


There aren't spicbeans here. He just spams the bait, and the boards are slow, so there isnt much else to respond to.


Found you, brownoid


Do argies count as spics?


>tvch still falling for the brownoid's samefagging and ragebaiting
>brownoid still utters the same denial catchphrases everytime he gets called out
circle of life and sheeeiiit


If it speaks spanish it does


>Can't form a sentence with previous information gathered without ChatGPT
Do you need machine learning to resume posts too, mutt boy?


>Spaniards are spics

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