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Heh, no Fallout tv show thread.
I wonder why.

There's a bunch of twitter and reddit drama over this scene. Niggers are like smackin' they lips n sheeit, and soyboys be like, "wtf I hate jesus." Everybody else that is tolerant of race and gender politics is just seething about the horrible lore adaptation. Autists realize it's anti-Russia libtards in Hollywood that continue to snap. Me? This is the show.


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>Me? This is the show.
You speak for most of this board, the drama these piece of shit products create is better than anything modern Pedowood can shit out nowadays.


Will it be more competently put together than halo or will it be another example of shit hollywood hacks thinking they're above the source material. Other than that they took the techno-religious bit about the BoS and went all the way with it.


>they took the techno-religious bit about the BoS and went all the way with it.
Well at least that's better than bethesda's le good guys club


It's slightly better than Halo, but that's not saying a lot.
Going from shit to not as shit, but still shit.


Makes me appreciate those forgotten and neglected videogame franchises will never get adaptions mutilated by Pedowood due to awry copyright laws. To think there are people who want abandonware to be public domain.


Public domain means anyone can make it. Half the problem with these adaptations is it's the same 10 or so companies making everything and they all suck ass


I just looked up who one of the co-writers was for this project and her credentials are Tomb Raider and Captain Marvel, where are they finding these people?


It's bizarre. I think they are taking no-name hacks, so they don't tarnish anybody's name. It's happening all the way up with MCU flagship films.


Wheel of Time also had a bunch of nobodies (some who have never written for TV before) and when I looked into it, it became obvious to me these were just the showrunner's friends. I think this is what is happening in a lot of writer's rooms, they are becoming play dates for shitty writers and the result is awful TV, because they are writing to amuse eachother not entertain the audience


Or she can suck a cricket ball through a lead straw.


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>West Coast lore being ruined by Todd
>Amazon pozzed shit
>The only people defending this show so far are either redditors who hate all the good Fallout games and worship Bethesda or far-left faggots


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Why did Fallout never get any novels or decent merch? It seems like it would be such an easy ip to license out and make extra bank off of and it's not like any of it has to be canon either.


Because it was a relatively niche CRPG until it was picked up by Bethesda. New Vegas had a tie in comic.


Bethesda have owned Fallout long enough for this to not work as an excuse, especially when you consider the fact that they keep removing what little edge fallout has left to make it better appeal to the masses.


Now that I say that, you say it's niche but we're in a thread talking about a tv show it has, Gaylo had a ton of money printing novels before it got a tv show.


>was a relatively niche crpg
This is true but I think Bethesda has been resistant (as they're a game dev) and the cheapskates at Zenimax do not want to invest in anything they consider risky. They have peripheral stuff now though like a card game and some mobile phone games.


I'd like to know how profitable they actually were because you have 4 novels that came out during the original 3 games run and after that it's 343 trying to keep the money mill spinning.


Fuck I forgot about those retards


>Amuse each other
No they, they're giving their friends and the investors friends/family members jobs.
The whole fucking industry is permeated with this kind of crony nepotistic incestual shit and it has reached the peak.
Shit, it's the same in the AAA industry directly tied to this, look at Bethesda, look at Emil.

Bethesda Fallout has tons of merch.
Something the original games and even the Bethesda ones criticize.

It's fucking cancer


Because of Bugthesda, kid. With all the lore and fanbase for The Elder Scrolls they have released only two novels, a long time ago.
Todd isn't God, he is a really mediocre retarded who is wasting all the potential of two great IP's.
At this point, I would rather to have something like GamesWorkshop owning their IP, so we could get more and better books.


I honestly wonder if it's all one man that's responsible for a studio of 300 being creatively inept.


I didn't realize how little I thought of Bethesda until you brought up games workshop and I didn't recoil in disgust.


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While this show doesn't look very good it's still a step in the right direction by being (supposedly) a new story set in the canon of the games. With other gameshit there is literally no reason for me to watch it because Hollywood is just pretending the games don't exist and is scribbling over them, so why would I as a fan even care?


Why does it need novels?
Are you some kind of WoW fanboi?


>a step in the right (((direction)))
Gas yourself


Reading comprehension


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Explain yourself, nigger.


Oh I did write that lol my bad


I am talking about multimedia in general and even qualified it by saying the show doesn't look good… why do you bait like this in every thread it's obvious what I meant in the post


You're talking to two anons.
You can't have it both ways.
>It's shit but it's good that it's shit because
Uh, no. kek


I'm said I like the idea that it's set within the canon of the games and not a reboot, not that I like the show (I haven't seen it and to my knowledge it's not even out yet). Why is everyone on this site such a petty cunt



Hey thank you for elaborating. I will now drink tea and dilate.


>it's not a reboot
Of course it is. That's why they do this. They nigger and women everything.
>uh but muh autistic virgin reason
Get a life


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>This site is one person!
>This site is two people!
At least you're moving in the right direction now, slick.



Get some balls pussy


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Did you like it?


Get a suicide.


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>MFW they retconned Fallout: New Vegas and destroyed Las Vegas entirely in a post credit sequence because they're still butthurt about all the acclaim Obsidian got developing their own game.


Todd will never forgive them, he'll probably invite ex Obsidian devs to Bethesda since they're all under Microsoft anyway, and then make sure they get bullied relentlessy while treating them like absolute shit.


He calls it Obshitian corner where he makes them work on irrelevant projects that he insists are important before scraping them at 90% completion.


So the same MO as the rest of the company but he releases those instead of scrapping them.


Just like how Todd angrily had Vvardenfell reduced to a pile of ashes in the Skyrim dragonborn dlc


anti-woke ecelebs are praising this show, and also praising the incoming Joker movie. Are the jews finally paying them for shilling shit media or they just have really bad taste?


>He said while posting proof.
Nobody knows what you're talking about. It's the most pozzed kike dogshit since 1992.


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Is it really that bad?


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Yes. It really is that bad.


It's about sex. The fallout world and story is background.


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lmao, IMDB was always iffy but this proves it's completely compromised look at this shit.
To compare, fucking Seinfeld has 8.9/10
>Women creator
>BMWF Interracial couple
Of fucking course


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Oh shit, I forgot IMDB is literally owned by Amazon.


I didn't know the Travis Scott meal was that char broiled.


that's him in his ascended form from the Mambo Sauce arc



I knew there was gonna be nigs but honestly this ugly cunt for some reason is repressively ugly and makes the show unwatchable.


Honestly I found new vegas too clunky in gameplay.


>He'll never play the originals
Missing out


compared to what?


Halo CE


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Unirocally kill yourself, you pathetic consoomer coomer.


Do you even know what you're seething about?


Are you larping as a redditor? If so, you are doing an amazing job.


Holy shit an actually decent to impressive comeback. I'm shocked.


>most generic most posted halfassed comeback
>woah decent to imrpessive!
I kinda want to kick you in the balls now.


Hey man, you tried. I have to reward effort.
>I want to kick you in the balls.
I can see you peaked.


Ya I did you know, its hard to recapture that joy the nostalgia wears of older great games when great games came out for their time you got to play them then because the mechanics and graphics become dated by a decade.

Fallout 3 and dead island.


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>Ya I did you know


Duke Nukem


Your brain is mush, stay inside forever and die in total obscurity, even your memory would be poison.


>I only like e-celebs.
We know


I loved the show, and all the salty seethe from cuckchanners crying about "muh lore, muh woke" only make me love the show more and more lol.



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That's the power of Frog-Fu!


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Also /trannypol/


>FO3 is less clunky
It's the same engine.


Hive-woman mentality. Form your own opinions for once.


Not only that the skills system was far more clunky and retarded. Who the fuck thought putting flamethrowers under "big guns" instead of "energy weapons" made any sense?



>Energy Weapons

>Future Alien post-apocalypse weaponry

Dipshit found.


Tiresome. I don't know why I came back here after such a long absence. Made it over a year and said" fuck it I'll look for nostalgia's sake" and now I have a murderous feeling I haven't felt in over a year. If god is real and just your lives will be nothing but utter suffering. Then again if god was real and just you wouldn't exist.


The people who made Fallout 1 and 2 retard.
How the fuck is a flamethrower an energy SciFi weapon?

Only reason why it's an Energy Weapon in New Vegas is because the Small/Big Guns skill got dumbed down to Guns.


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Fallout is overrated. Arcanum was always superior.


Maybe Bethesda will make sequels to it, and then we can get a chick in a show and make it gay.


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>The real apocalyptic wasteland was the nigger filled streets of California all along!


I hate that bitch's face


>nigger filled streets
Ella's dream come true


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I think I found one of your contacts


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That can't be a real face. There has to be some kind of filter or makeup or cosmetic mask thing going on


Weird bug eyed hapa bitch


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>Deflecting the from the real reality of Beaner filled streets of California

Kill yourself beaner


Beaners in California kind of goes without saying.


This is the hair and pose of what a hot girl would do if she had attractive features.


>faggot watches niggers fuck white women on his Zogout tv show his faggot ass loves so much
>mad about spics
Oh, so your are Mexcrement? That explains a lot. Kill yourself, bitch.



>the from the

Stupid nigger


Hey he got it out though


That was that faggot Kirkbride.

It's an issue I've noticed with writers working on IPs they don't own or IPs they own but will license out. The writer will kill off their characters or make them completely unavailable, or will destroy the setting.


Are you retarded?

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