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File: 1712543422864.png (342.78 KB, 655x345, 131:69, Tony & Ad.png) ImgOps iqdb


>"Sopranos" star Drea de Matteo joked she had to put her 12-year-old son, Waylon, "in his place" when he expressed dismay over her lucrative OnlyFans career.


How big of a The Sopranos fan are you, /tv/? Would you spare a few bucks for a starving artist?


This shit is fucked up and wrong and it needs to stop happening.


File: 1712543869913.gif (76.47 KB, 495x498, 165:166, 38e8d1a32adca818177f37a6d2….gif) ImgOps iqdb

>This shit is fucked up and wrong and it needs to stop happening.


File: 1712550075933.jpg (33.17 KB, 780x438, 130:73, Cristafah.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>100% non-nude cockteasing
Yeah, you've gotta be a real big fan to go for this.


>Being put in your place by your washed up OnlyFans mom
What a fucking nightmare.
Why are people paying for this sloppa? These are Mcdonalds tier lewds and the Mcflurry isn't even on her ass.


If she isn't getting enough royalties from The Sopranos to cover her lifestyle, then she got a raw deal.


It's ain't no thing regardless, she's not doing nudity, so she's not debasing herself that much. It's easy money for her.


Washed up celeb onlyfans is like watching your aunt's porn, very negative aura


I can think of a lot of things with worse auras than that.

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