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File: 1712847508303.png (240.75 KB, 653x672, 653:672, OJ.png) ImgOps iqdb


More like FJ


RIP big man




RIP Martin Luther King


one less of them to worry about


>A nigger's claim to fame is being acquitted of murder.
Is this media gaslighting once again?


I blame James Cameron for ruining his life


>All he ever wanted was to play the lead role in Titanic.
Or ok what was the story?


Story goes he was supposed to play the terminator before Arnold got the job


That I don't believe.
That's more insane than Will Smith as Neo.


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Can't tell if he's based for killing a coalburner or cringe for going for white women, S nevertheless


Now we'll never know


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>AI is not real.
Son, Doomsday was always inevitable.


S, dumb nigger.


The word nigger is such a blessing and a curse
It's the most fun word to say - just rolls right off the tongue - but I can't ever say it without being socially lynched

The fact that I shouldn't say it makes me want to say it more


He killed the mudshark and her Jew boyfriend, but he had already had a couple kids with said mudshark, so any basedness he might have had is canceled out.


The jews ruined ruined his reputation because they can't stand successful Black men and don't want young men in the inner cities having positive role models.


>Not successful
He beat the system.
Remember, kids (Niggers) all you have to do is wear tiny gloves when you commit a crime, and you'll escape to freedoms.


He wasn't guilty in the first place. The jews only blamed him for the color of his skin.


>I'm baiting.
The case was a hoax if you ask me. Purposely made to look ambiguous and ridiculous.
There has never been before or since, a celebrity chase scene on tv.
The trial verdict was aired in schools, including elementary schools.
Why on Earth would children under the age of 10 have to watch a trial verdict of a black man that allegedly killed his wife? It makes no sense.


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File: 1712873023285-1.webm (4.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, OJ verdict.webm) ImgOps iqdb


seems like a consistent death age for celebrities


They don't call it the Negro Felon League for nothing. Those guys are always getting pinched doing stupid shit. The money goes to their little heads.

OJ was guilty, and the only reason the jury acquitted him is because they didn't want LA Riots 2.0 to be on them. It was a very racially-charged time.


>They don't call it the Negro Felon League for nothing.
If you are powerful enough to construct this hoax, you would do so with that bit in mind. Nobody is more aware of race realism than the elite that study us all.


>makes the jury 100% nigger


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>Dead boomer
>Dead nigger
>Dead mixed racing nigger
>Dead niggerball player
>Dead killer
At least he killed a kike


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>That CNN nigress bit.
Holy God


That is close to the average age of death in the USA in general.


Not for black males! lol


fag juice?


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Huge L for BLM


He actually didn't do it, people just spout shit without seeing the facts.
His son did, O.J. acted like a nigger (not difficult) to implicitly put the blame on himself by doing dumb shit knowing he couldn't not be charged due to evidence, prosecution ate it up with fries.
Kardashian became very against this and the whole racial media manipulation hence why the elite punished him by killing him and making his family nigger and tranny lovers.


In fact wasn't that the real reason why he got arrested? Nobody gave a shit about the goy girl.


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Pour one out.


Ok and why didn't the cops pit his bronco instead of letting him parade through LA for helicopter footage and crowds to form.


The elite doesn't always do shit for revenge. They do it to mock the fanbase.


And most celeb deaths are faked.


They didn't want to risk hurting him because of who he was. Also why the "chase" never went over 45 MPH. They basically just followed him around until he gave up.


>The chase was 45 mph
>Pitting him would have hurt him
Pick one


Broncos were notorious for flipping, that's one of the reasons they were mothballed for so long.


I guess they are out of maneuvers then. I bet the bronco would have spontaneously exploded if they tried to box him in.


>be dindu
>dindu nuffin
>years later unrelated crime
someone get adam mckay on the case


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I don't like the nigger but i still think he wasn't solely who did it because its left out is the two people he murdered were:

>jewish and drug trafficking cocaine

>she had regular other flings and that OJ was bisexual
>The two murdered were tied to two other murders shortly before because they were selling drugs out of a mafia owned restaurant with them were told no more cocaine dealing
>OJ got his ass kicked after they didn't stop
>Multiple people were at the house just prior to OJ getting home


I wonder if the whole trial is on youtube
I doubt any of those peripheral matters were ever mentioned


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>Nukes are fake
>Wars are fake
>Celeb deaths are fake
Kill yourself counter info fed


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Please stop being a fucking idiot. I'm begging you. I'm on my hands and knees.


>Michael Jackson's spirit in him.


Cops can't legally PIT you if you drive at or under the speed limit, which is what the negro was doing.
OJ did everything to make believe the public it was him, the trial completely ignored his son fitting every category in terms of appearance and hand size, but make no mistake OJ did have something to do with the murder as he was probably someone who helped clean the scene hence the finger prints.

That's very interesting info, adds another layer of shenanigans similar to the whole Polanski/Manson thing and the other Polanski/Alcala thing while also related to the Polanski/Teenager prostitution thing.


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They had the perfect opportunity to do it. There are other maneuvers they could have done instead of give the world a ridiculous parade.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Ladies and gents, the late, great Norm MacDonald.


>Chris Farley's laugh at 1:16


Did they get him to make a cameo in The Simpsons?

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