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File: 1712860213323-0.jpg (100.42 KB, 682x1023, 2:3, MV5BMTU1MTE2Mjk2OF5BMl5Ban….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1712860213323-1.jpg (693.36 KB, 800x1228, 200:307, MV5BY2JiOTJhODQtNjhlOS00MD….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1712860213323-2.png (61.82 KB, 754x851, 754:851, WFC-2024-4-7.PNG) ImgOps iqdb


>Jack Carter (Michael Caine) is a cold-blooded London gangster, and not the sort of man you want to cross. When Carter's brother winds up dead, he travels to Newcastle to arrange the funeral. Convinced that his brother was murdered, Carter questions local thug Eric (Ian Hendry), who eventually leads him to kingpin Kinnear. From there, Carter carves a bloody trail of revenge through the seedy underbelly of Newcastle in search of his brother's killer.

>The Double Deuce is the meanest, loudest and rowdiest bar south of the Mason-Dixon Line, and Dalton (Patrick Swayze) has been hired to clean it up. He might not look like much, but the Ph.D.-educated bouncer proves he's more than capable - busting the heads of troublemakers and turning the roadhouse into a jumping hot-spot. But Dalton's romance with the gorgeous Dr. Clay (Kelly Lynch) puts him on the bad side of cutthroat local big shot Brad Wesley (Ben Gazzara).

NEXT WEEKS THEME: Movies that are questionably not movies at all


sorry I missed a week, was at wrestlemania lol


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I recommend this two hour longplay of the 1996 FMV adventure game Hardline. It's kind of a movie.


Get Carter is really fuckin good. They really don't make gangster movies like that anymore.

Next week's movie should be gahoole's suicide video where he hangs himself to atone for allowing his website to be fucking ruined.


>to atone for allowing his website to be fucking ruined.
How was the website ruined?


This is the part where I either post all the reasons ans you say "nuh uh", or I correctly point out you're pretending you don't know and then say I don't actually have a reason.


That's what I thought, bitch.


>Movies that are questionably not movies at all
"Empire" by Andy Warhol.


>Movies that are questionably not movies at all
Star Wars Episode 7


Episode 9 as well, if not moreso


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The Films of Nanny Lyn
Independently produced animation, made on an Amiga, found in someone's trash (presumably).


The art style reminds me of those comics made by that Spanish guy where everyone is always smiling. One of them had a guy riding a playground slide off of a rooftop to kill himself and as he's falling another guy in the room below the rooftop shoots him in the head.


Electric Retard


No that guy is Australian and while funny with the edgy stuff his art was just shitty mspaint stuff, the guy I'm talking about makes decent art.

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