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File: 1712874032459.png (1.15 MB, 580x912, 145:228, The Searchers.png) ImgOps iqdb


I hate how pseudo-intellectuals always make it seem like this film is meant to be a commentary on racism, especially racism towards Native Americans in the United States. That's a complete Red Herring. There's nothing about the way racial conflict is portrayed in this film that's unique to the American old west. The fact that the director, John Ford, said in interviews that he didn't believe White people were responsible for wiping out the Natives only hammers this point home. This could just as easily be a story about Greeks and Persians or the English and the Irish. In fact, if you changed the Native Americans into Highland Scots and the Whites into Englishmen and Lowland Scots, the story in this could very well be the plot to a Walter Scott novel.
What the film is really about is a the struggle between the wild frontier and the emergence of civilization in the wild west. Ethan, John Wayne's character embodies this struggle. He is a hardened frontiersman and Civil War veteran who wanders to and fro, never able to fit in with the civilized world, yet he's civilized enough to despise the uncivilized barbarity represented by the Comanche. And this inner conflict within him is what lies at the heart of the entire film. This likely resonated with the WWII veterans who famously struggled to fit in with American society again after coming back from the war.


I normally dislike Westerns, but I rewatched The Searchers relatively recently and ended up really liking it. It gets across the brutality of the Old West pretty well considering it was made under the Hays Code and doesn't really chastise Ethan Edwards at all for his hatred of Indians. I much prefer it to the other John Ford Westerns I've seen, including The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.


Funny, I wonder why this was skipped in film school. We analyzed one short scene and moved on "to save time."


I hate how pussies like you always try to deny racism. Yeah, the movie is racist. Yes, John Wayne was a white supremacist. Yes, America was a white utopia. That is all good! Embrace it and be proud of it! Hell, that's why I watch these old films.
Ethics cucks, man. I'm not joking either. Fuck you faggots. When some fag liberal whines about racism, don't deny it, embrace it and tell them to get fucked.


Reading comprehension?


>I hate how pussies like you always try to deny racism.
That's true with a lot of people, but who's denying anything here?
>Yes, John Wayne was a white supremacist.
He's the only person I can think of who ever labeled themselves as one. I'm curious about his predilection for marrying Hispanophonic-descended women though. How white were they exactly?


Wayne was a BLEACHer.


That's a good question considering how much of an influence it was on almost every director of the 60's and 70's. Even the people at Cahiers du Cinema (Truffaut, Godard, etc.) loved it. A lot of "art film" types just dislike westerns out of principle.
The pseuds I'm talking about aren't saying that the movie is racist but rather that it's secretly an anti-racist movie when race isn't even a central theme. Yes, many of the characters are racist but that's just because people in those times, living in that part of the country were racist. It's just there as a fact of life, just like the lack of running water in the houses.


File: 1712941267899.png (990.67 KB, 1280x1440, 8:9, Nigger Faggot.png) ImgOps iqdb

What did Armond White say about it?


>When some fag liberal whines about racism, don't deny it, embrace it and tell them to get fucked.
Except in real life where you would have a panic attack and mumble to yourself


You're still talking like you're afraid of being called a racist or like racism is bad.
Quit talking like a pussy.


>heh, I bet you wouldn't
FUCK you, you little faggot.


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the same reason they always talk about book burnings in high school but never say what books were being burnt


File: 1712955224007.png (1021.71 KB, 1186x1214, 593:607, Gay shit eating faggot.png) ImgOps iqdb

>Except in real life where you would have a panic attack and mumble to yourself


Imagine being this fag's dad.


His dad probably fucked his ass and turned him into that.


>You're still talking like you're afraid of being called a racist or like racism is bad.
How so?


c'mon like anyone here hasn't eaten their own feces


You don't say "nigger" and "kike" every other word so you're clearly not the extreme and respectable rebel he is.
You're talking to someone with the same mentality of some retard teenager that swears too much and looks like a stupid dumbass in the process, who cares if you're not up to his standards?


so basically a /pol/tard zoomer


Fuck off to Reddit, faggot.


>promotes socialism
>calls others reddit
Gerbils would be proud


>Posts with green text
>Then talks
And now I'm talking.


>promotes socialism
By making fun of a shiteating butt muncher? Faggot.


>What the film is really about is a the struggle between the wild frontier and the emergence of civilization in the wild west.
Fuck off fed, wild west was called so because no one was getting taxed effectively


It was called the Wild West because of the conflict between the American settlers and the Indian tribes and its reputation for outlaw activity.


File: 1713099280995.png (188.66 KB, 484x413, 484:413, 1712971315331376.png) ImgOps iqdb

Thats exactly why I never share drinks or food with anyone.


Because everyone you know is a shit eating fag?



File: 1713122333639.gif (38.03 KB, 200x281, 200:281, Partyhardggallin.gif) ImgOps iqdb

If you're not eating your own feces onstage, throwing it into crowds, and shoving microphones up your ass then you're doing it wrong.


lol, white "people".


File: 1713226774940.jpeg (201.83 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, dFEgtD0.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

hahahaha why would you out yourself as non-white


File: 1713235986088.png (485.9 KB, 683x755, 683:755, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb

Because I'm better than wh*te. I'm a MED.


Spoiler that shit so we don't have to smell it.


How is the Spanish shit eater white when you claim Meds aren't white?


He's one of those Visgothic Spaniards of inferior Germanic stock.


Being Lebanese does not give you a connection to Italians.


didn't know indians were genetically capable of putting on this much muscle mass.


File: 1713394489043.jpg (166.76 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, Remo-Tulliani-Italian-Styl….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

That's not a med you falseflagging bitch, that's a poo

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