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holy shit gahoole btfo


omfg sisa charlie is so hencking zomging cute


The only funny that cartoon has spawned was the beatboxer blowing $50K just to quench his buck broken fetish by the dyke protagonist.


Oh no no no no, how will dougfags ever recover from this???


>beatboxer blowing $50K just to quench his buck broken fetish by the dyke protagonist.
What does this sentence even mean?


Some nigger Youtuber who got the spotlight for beatboxing Marvel characters paid $50k for the animated to make a video where he gets forcefully sodomized by the main character.


File: 1713387597002.jpg (23.45 KB, 273x319, 273:319, tamers.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

The Virgin Verbalase
>Pays 50K for a couple minutes of fetish porn
>Tries to hide it but it gets leaked anyway
>Becomes a laughing stock

The Chad Tamers
>Personally animates feature length videos of his fetish
>Doesn't hide it, in fact proudly states his fetish videos are canons
>Deal with it bitches


Tamers is being ironic, it's about as blatant as Jace Connors from DeagleNation.


Way too dedicated to be a troll, years of content and most of it animated. Plus he's never deviated from Sonic Underground, I would expect a troll to get bored and switch things up


Isn't Tamers actually making pro-lgbt and pro-diaper shit in the last years because his discord server and patreon is filled with unironically diaper-tranny-furries?
Money and online communities changes everyone, and I feel like he is far gone in this degen trap.

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