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File: 1713103726277.jpg (33.44 KB, 620x413, 620:413, BBC.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Television Centre from before the diversity wokists moved everything to faggoty Manchester



I'm Louis CK and I approve of this message


When I first saw this pic, I thought maybe the BBC was changing its name because of the meme, but nope.

Interestingly, they used to abbreviate police body-worn cameras AXON BWC, on the older videos it's on the time stamp that way. Why did that have to change but not for the BBC network?


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having BWC on every bodycam footage would be disrespectful to the memory of big monkey


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They wouldn't dare change it


LOL kind of like you wouldn't dare come up with OC


Come to think of it, I think it was shortly after the Floyd Fiasco when they started all the petty shit in society like capitalizing Black and not White, when they got rid of the BWC on the bodycam videos.


The most amazing thing about this is the elite are the most racial conscious people in the world, and yet they LARPed BLM and all the diversity shit (still ongoing) just to fuck with all sides, presumably until everyone wakes up and becomes a world of racists. I don't know…


That's a stupid as fuck conspiracy because the world was perfectly fine with being racist as shit until the 60s.


Lol you nigger dick lover!


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Louis I'm sorry you had to hear it from us…


It's probably unironically true. The George Floydening of tv/movie content was unsustainable.


>Go to streaming site
>There is a black woman on every movie poster.
What the fuck is going on


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Holy shit I knew Gahoole would get a black girlfriend someday.


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Niggers are strange


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They are the chosen people.


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Chose this.


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I found Waldo.


That's one manly oompa loompa there


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That's Hugh Grant, he was giving it to prime Liz Hurley 30 years ago now.


He's still giving it to her AFAIK sometimes
He also talked shit to jews when he moved to Hollywood and got into a tranny controversy months later



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