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I finally understand the ending of Amadeus.
He is wheeled toward the camera, toward the audience. He even looks at us. We're the mediocrities. The filmmaker is laughing at us and mocking us as he absolves us.


Lol faggot


I absolve you.


File: 1713277463493.jpg (198.47 KB, 853x480, 853:480, Salieri.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Play Toca's Miracle


File: 1713319692267.jpg (45.54 KB, 853x480, 853:480, Salieri.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Play Darude Sandstorm


I hate what this movie did to the public's perception of Mozart. Everyone thinks he was this lighthearted and whimsical fellow whose music was, likewise, meant to be lighthearted and whimsical. Maybe some of it was but many of pieces were meant to have serious gravity and intensity to them. But now if you play those pieces they way they were meant to be played, the audience cries "WAAAAAAAH That wasn't lighthearted and whimsical! I want my money back!" So now every orchestra performs those pieces as though they were meant to be a joke because the plebs in the audience will get scared and throw a fit otherwise.


>But now if you play those pieces they way they were meant to be played, the audience cries "WAAAAAAAH That wasn't lighthearted and whimsical! I want my money back!" So now every orchestra performs those pieces as though they were meant to be a joke because the plebs in the audience will get scared and throw a fit otherwise.
There is only one way to play the pieces correctly: as the notes are written on the sheets.


Have you ever played an instrument in an ensemble? The conductor can rewrite your part, and it's your responsibility to follow his lead. He will call for or suppress your volume. He will rehearse the sections to play the them how he wants. More often than not, at least in school, it's as written, but the degree of which all the sheet music illustrates is adhered to is ultimately up to the conductor.


>Have you ever played an instrument in an ensemble?
I grew up poor, so I didn't take band in school.
>The conductor can rewrite your part, and it's your responsibility to follow his lead. He will call for or suppress your volume. He will rehearse the sections to play the them how he wants. More often than not, at least in school, it's as written, but the degree of which all the sheet music illustrates is adhered to is ultimately up to the conductor.
That's still not the music being played in accordance with the composition, it's the conductor taking liberty with it like anything else.


Yeah well I'm saying it happens a lot. It's not just notes on a page. There's a whole index of terms and symbols that litter sheet music. For example if you have a big < underneath a bar of music, it means crescendo which is essentially to get louder/bolder. There's bars that can go overtop a line to allow the conductor to repeat the bars as many times as he sees necessary. There's relatively infinite liberty. You also compose according to the strengths of your players as well as what's actually in your ensemble.


I think music notated during the Renaissance and before was actually written down with the expectation that performers would put their own spin on the piece. At some later point that changed.

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