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File: 1713542995931.jpeg (55.87 KB, 400x570, 40:57, Tetro.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb


Just how do I become intelligent enough to watch movies properly?


File: 1713543270621-0.png (1.97 MB, 2264x1248, 283:156, Left Eye.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1713543270621-1.png (1.78 MB, 2306x1266, 1153:633, Title.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1713543270621-2.png (1.78 MB, 2252x1276, 563:319, Bulb.png) ImgOps iqdb

I know this might seem like a le ha ha joke, but I'm serious.
The opening shot is a light bulb.
>Illumination? Illuminati?
Then it's a shot of a single eye obscured by the light bulb.
>One eye symbolism
Then the title scene.
"Tetro" is a strange name. The gematria value for it in simple gematria is 78. 78 is also the code for "Left eye."

Just wtf am I watching exactly? Several subsequent shots have signs and coupons stuck to a fridge with various numbers and words. How am I supposed to understand what it is I'm watching?


The angle of their face is also left eye toward the camera, and the supporting actor can only be seen with his left eye.
What does it mean


The board is too stupid for this thread apparently


Putting a meaning into each scene doesn't make you deep. It makes you a pretentious fuck with his head up his own ass and a drug addiction just like all of 60s Hollywood New Wave of Cinema.


File: 1713999585604.jpg (784.02 KB, 1501x900, 1501:900, fagmountain.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

found the retard
hey, do you have a can of open Coors Light on your mousepad right now, anon?


What is this reddit? It seems you're gonna' miss Pedowood once they get dismantled, all this subtle liberal pedophilic propaganda to make your terminal online kind feel special will be gone.


File: 1714141745475.png (288.49 KB, 828x395, 828:395, Secure Business and Future.png) ImgOps iqdb

>What is this reddit?
Anon called you out. Did you have an open can of coors lite or not

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