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File: 1714179459305.png (827.46 KB, 1106x720, 553:360, Employees of Kino Dept..png) ImgOps iqdb


Emergency Kino Alert
Film announcement: Tom Cruise and Scarlett Johannson to star in remake of The Gauntlet that starred Clint Eastwood.
Harv is released, and sanity is already restored to Hollywood. Wtf?


They are both too old for the role, and the premise makes zero sense in 2024. Mafia is long gone. Crime is dominated by feral coons and Hispanic gangs, and obviously no one is going to touch those issues except to spit on whitey.
"Society" is no longer possible. You can't have things like film anymore in a post Trump, post COVID, post Floyd world. Only zogslop.


Maybe it'll be a musical.


She is such a shit actress, cruise puts it all in while see is reading lines like she is in a high school play.


She's eyecandy though, and now she's graduated to Cruisecandy. That's actually above milf status, so she somehow jumped over that one.


>cruise puts it all in
He's a trash actor too, he plays himself in every single role.


>She was eyecandy once upon a time


I'm reporting you to the Church of Scientology for being a suppressive. Cruise fights evil aliens under the cover of night.


This tbh. Should replace the mafia with a nigger street gang, would up the dramatic stakes.


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>Mafia is long gone
Sometimes I feel like all the illuminati, deep state conspiracy stuff is all just a cover so people stop paying attention to the bigger elephant in the room, the various racial mobs and mafias of the world whom even historians make no qualms about having owned police officers, police chiefs, senators……


I haven't actually seen The Gauntlet. It's good?

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