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Here's your newest Ayylium slop!


So sad that all the lore of Prometheus was wasted to give us more boring xenomorph movies.


So sad that somebody knows all the lore of Prometheus.


Yup. Everyone who whined about Prometheus is a moron. So I suppose the series ends with Fassbender's lame ass smirk forever.


What is even the point of this besides shekels milking?


What was Scott's last good movie? Gladiator?


Prometheus sucked balls


It was ok but at least it was something new that wasn't liberal shit and tried to actually mean something. All for naught.


Due to the mystery-box writer who wrote Lost. The lore was good and interesting though, and should have been explored in a proper sequel with the mystery-box hack gone. Sadly, we were given more xenomorphs.


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Will we ever find out what vile acts David was going to do to her in that cryo pod?


This is the first Alien movie after Disney acquired Fox


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When I check out some of the latest production stills and promotional screenshots and trailers for Alien: Romulus, it looks like they're relying too hard to lean on familiar images and things we've already seen before. Prometheus did it to some extent, but not as much as what I'm seeing now. It just doesn't inspire confidence. When I go through the trailer for Alien: Romulus, all I'm thinking is that I've seen that before.

I watched Prometheus and Alien: Covenant in theaters, but I think I'll be skipping Alien: Romulus. Wasn't Romulus originally meant to be a direct-to-streaming movie on Hulu, anyway?


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That old familiar feeling.


Ridley Scott is really epic making xenomorph movies. I watched the first 4 films and they are great films to start with, moving up to Prometheus and this new title to this incredible sci-fi series.

There's more to it than what you see.


Yeah >>336077 was kind of selling me on it without intending to.


Aliens 3 was pure shit. I'm sorry.


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>Due to the mystery-box writer who wrote Lost.
No wonder I fucking hated it
>leave thread to something that never gets an answer or a payoff
>repeat 300 times
>All of it is poorly thought out and is random so you can't piece something together in your mind like the original even with the fucking exposition scene at the beginning

Fucking worthless hacks, whole movie is boring nothing until a meh action sequence at the end.


>Nostalgiabaiting again
Disney have no creativity at all.


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>Do you guys think there will be plentiful amounts of moner's culo?
She's getting assmogged by Cailee regardless

That's just the aesthetics of the Alien franchise. So long as they don't mangle the plot like Star Wars to fit in as many recognizable elements as possible I think it's fine


that's a nice honker


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Newest HYPEBEAST FOMO turailer


I will end up watching this anyway as it's something to fill the void.


He wasn't always a hack, the duellists is probably the greatest movie set in the 19th century and his earlier works were enjoyable, if not as artistic.

He's just so fucking old and rich and out of touch. Guy probably has difficulty hearing, seeing, remembering stuff and crapping at that age.


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A better Alien movie than Prometheus.


Why exactly are nerds so obsessed with references?


Used to be a cool subtle nod to the fans
Now it's just self fellating


Final girls are so fucking boring. If they really want to subvert expectations, making a girl boss fighting together with a gay nigger is far from being rare and special.


Trannies from breadtuber are defending this movie, while good critics like Rob are calling the movie shit.
Enough said.


Alien was always jewish


No, isn't, may be a bit subversive, but not jewish.


The original was good.


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Do sex androids exist in the Alienverse? Or are they do expensive for the average joe?


That's honestly why the original Hostel and Bloody Hell were decent. We get a final dude for once, and then a protagonist who's an even bigger psycho than the villains. Final girls are annoying not because of sheer believability alone, but because all of them are basically just rehashes of the Carrie stereotype.


depends on who is handling the IP, since Ridley Scott tried to force Blade Runner to alien just bc he directed both


Aliens Romulus was a good movie.


did anyone else see Alien Romulus?


cant find a good rip


Yes. I came three times watching the movie. It's as good as Alien vs. Predator Requim.

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