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it's better than just another retarded Yakuza/Emojitroon thread anyway.


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My Queen~ :3
Seriously though, she's one of the only channels I've been able to find that regularly does videos on old movies and the only one at all that doesn't try to inject modern politics into her reviews.


Yeah, she seems to have much better taste when it comes to choosing movies to review than most JewTube movie reviewers.


With that camera quality and aspect ratio, I'd like to think of her as AVGN's alter ego.
>instead of games, it's movies
>instead of anger, it's calm
>instead of man, it's a woman
Nice headcanon.


All she needs is a friend to make skits with. Who is the female equivalent of Mike Mataei?


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This guy is the CRP of our generation


fucking kek


Emojitranny sodomite


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Name a better channel for old movies. I'll wait.
Please, I need more stuff to watch. This whole year has been one big dry spell. Even all the insane happenings, like Trump being found guilty, haven't been able to arouse any real kino. Content is still being made but it's all boring It's like everyone has just given up.


Hat's Off Entertainment is a decent channel for old comedy autism.


I think I'd agree. I just binged on his videos after seeing your post. It's also worth mentioning that the guy's last name is apparently "Ramoni."


Is so fucking hard to you faggots actually be useful and funny in threads? You guys only spam porn or tell others to "kys".


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Shaggy's oldest brother


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This faggy is a hit or a miss, this one is particular a cringe and clueless video, but sometimes he post something good.


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