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Is it true that this movie is what created furries?


I think The Jungle Book got the ball rolling, but furries were still in the closet then.


>Jungle Book
Those were just regular animals.


I've heard it was a big influence on them.


I watched this movie like 50 times as a kid, but didn't turn into a furry. It's the only Disney movie I REALLY like.


I'm confused. Wasn't Robin Hood a human? Why are all the characters woodlands/savannah beasts?


Is it true if you're raised with Disney movies that means you're fucked? Basically an ancient brainrot from the past century.


>Why are all the characters woodlands/savannah beasts?
No idea.
No, they used to come up with good stuff. "Disney adults" are psychologically stunted though.


You're confusing the order of things. You were fucked beforehand if it resonates with you on a deep level, as is evident in "Disney adults."

Robin Hood though is from the "dark era" of Disney from the 70's to the 80's where the movies were darker in tone and cooler, featuring atmospheric rainy streets, leaky ceilings, poverty, homelessness, and like 10 movies in a row about furry-looking cats or foxes. I think this was easily the best period of Disney. The early era always seemed soulless and artificial to me with that bottle blonde princess crap. Just hollowed-out versions of European fairy tales. My mom read me a fairy tale book as a kid that was way better than that shit.

Then the so-called Disney "renaissance" began with The Little Mermaid in '89 and went on through the 90's ending with Tarzan (garbo with gorillas being stand-ins for black people lol!). I think all of those movies are terrible, and unfortunately put on a spotlight on the really bad side of the 90's. Really kitschy we-are-the-world, they-don't-really-care-about-us trash, all with the exact same message as James Cameron's Titanic and Michael Jackson's music. Treasure Planet's main character was literally a copy-paste of Jack Dawson, and that movie featured FLYING boats! That one was post-"renaissance" though and I actually remember liking it because it was kind of creepy with the robots and cyborgs with false eyes and artificial body parts.

Other post-"reinaissance" films are Dinosaur, Atlantis, and Brother Bear. I mean, I remember these being the most interesting ones tbh.


>Then the so-called Disney "renaissance" began with The Little Mermaid in '89 and went on through the 90's ending with Tarzan (garbo with gorillas being stand-ins for black people lol!). I think all of those movies are terrible, and unfortunately put on a spotlight on the really bad side of the 90's. Really kitschy we-are-the-world, they-don't-really-care-about-us trash, all with the exact same message as James Cameron's Titanic and Michael Jackson's music. Treasure Planet's main character was literally a copy-paste of Jack Dawson, and that movie featured FLYING boats! That one was post-"renaissance" though and I actually remember liking it because it was kind of creepy with the robots and cyborgs with false eyes and artificial body parts.
I have a soft spot for a good amount of those movies, but at the same time people act like what Disney was putting out in the "dark age" period was nothing but crap in comparison. Movies like The Rescuers, The Fox and the Hound, or The Black Cauldron are a lot more interesting to me than bastardized adaptations of Hercules or Tarzan stories, noble savage propaganda like Pocahontas, or the gypsy whitewashing of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. It's been a long time since I've seen any of these movies though.
>Other post-"reinaissance" films are Dinosaur, Atlantis, and Brother Bear. I mean, I remember these being the most interesting ones tbh.
I liked Lilo & Stitch when I saw it, but I checked out after that. The Emperor's New Groove and Atlantis were probably my favorites from that period.


>Just hollowed-out versions of European fairy tales
The ones that weren't based on fairy tales were great. Pinnocchio and Fantasia are in the running for the greatest animated film of all time in my opinion.


Pinnocchio is a total bastardization of the original story.


Same could be said of Blade Runner. The movie is still kino in its own right.


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Nope the following created furries around the early 2000s:

>mexicans creating bestiality videos of mexican women fucking donkeys and dogs did

>Russian women fucking horses did

>indian men fucking stray dogs did

>blacks raping monkeys did

>arabs fucking goats did

>asian men fucking pigs


The first few Renaissance films are fine but they became very formulaic very quickly. That's also when they stopped using hand-painted cels which really sucked the life out their animation.



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