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File: 1719689426233-0.jpg (40.98 KB, 800x888, 100:111, Alfred Hitchcock.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

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Who is the greatest obese filmmaker?


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Flicks for this feel?


Guillermo del Toro


Does Stuart Gordon count? He always seemed fairly rotund.


Would people compare Hitchcock and Welles so often if they weren't both fat? I always hear them mentioned in the same breath. Just watching Hitchcock interviews on youtube makes Welles interviews show up in the recommendations. Those two don't really have anything in common besides having been very, very fat.


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He only made one movie, but it was great enough that his contributions to adipose kinematography should be recognized.


I'm the fattest I've ever been. Why is food so good and the world so shit. God I hope I get a heart attack soon.


I've been doing keto for a few months, I've lost 20 lbs., but I've been stuck at the same weight for like 2 months, when I weigh myself it's always within like 1 pound of the last time up or down, it's like God is laughing at me.


Stuff like this is why some people believe in the demiurge.


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It's sad that character designs that involve big muscular guys with actual body hair are considered fagbait.
These used to be the types of bodies all straight men aspired to have.
But now modern women apparently are more attracted to girly faced twinks with zero muscles and zero facial hair and zero chest hair.
A young Sean Connery would be considered fagbait today, whereas all women would be into that Dune actor guy who looks like he has never endured any hardship his entire life.


Bond is clean-shaven, though.


You realize twinks are the only kind of men that fags like, right?


Btw im a trans,people call me emojitroon


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>But now modern women apparently are more attracted to girly faced twinks with zero muscles and zero facial hair and zero chest hair.
I think it's at least partially due to birth control changing women's tastes.
That's not true at all.


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>You realize twinks are the only kind of men that fags like, right?


Where the fuck did Gahoole go?


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>Interpersonal relations deteriorated rapidly until finally Chandler became openly combative; at one point, upon viewing Hitchcock struggling to exit from his limousine, Chandler remarked within earshot, "Look at the fat bastard trying to get out of his car!"
Was it a power move?


Leone is grotesquely overrated. There's very little depth in his movies and they're full of excessively long sequences that add nothing. It's like he just wants to waste your time.


Women have been conditioned into choosing betabux faggots for multiple generations. Their offspring in turn become the same betabux losers or the women who enable them. Repeat ad nauseam for 50+ years and you have today's world.


Incels are in an ironic way the most manly men today as society is geared for fags.


Both became fat later in their careers too. When they made a name for themselves, they were normal, you see this trend commonly. Coppola too.


Their movies are both very "noir" on the whole although Welles was a deeper more humane director whereas Hitchcock was a cold, tighter, more perverse artist. Both have some dark humor though


Probably based Orson tbh, always liked the dude.


Most INCELS are repressed faggots.


>~33% of men are repressed faggots


Lol you are a gaycel


They were always chubby, but they hid it better early on.




The world needs more fatkino, especially in this era where we have so many skinnyfat faggots and obese women.


Fat guys always make good shit.


Okay, that is kino.

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