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File: 1720210912513.jpg (39.85 KB, 739x415, 739:415, Uwe Boll.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


This man is the most unappreciated director of all time and is imo a genius. I finished the whole Rampage series and for that alone he deserve credit as a gutsy, no bullshit, intelligent director. I know he did it to piss everyone off and that is what made Rampage great. It pisses everyone off but it does not PRETEND to piss people off by punching down on the chuds. Boll sided with the chuds his whole career and that is why everyone hates him! He is a genius!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Boll deserves a fucking Nobel just for caving Lowtaxes faggot face in.


The guy has more guts than all the jew and modern numales directors and screenwriters


Postal alone is proof he is a misunderstood kino king


Who? Vince Desi?


Vince Desi? Is that the slapdash Pajeet knockoff of Vin Diesel?


Rampage 2 is a bit cucky.


Vince Desi was the creator of the first two Postal games. (((Mike J))) runs the show now.


Ok I finished watching it and Rampage 2 sucks. It is obvious that Boll got scared of his too edgy RW view in Rampage 1 and cucked himself in 2 so no one would call him a Nazi. Uwe Boll is a pussy.


>implying that Vince Desi isn't a kike too


Of course it takes a true Aryan of German stock to be a kino director, beat up Lowtax, rest in piss, discover Megan, and be a great restaurant owner.


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Which internet loudmouth should Uwe destroy next? I vote Dax


Joe Rogan


Kike Cucklasa


Marvel Avengers Bullshit Dirt fucking terrible in all forms, captain whitey, Tomlinson man, Iron Mans, Ant Mans, Fucking Mans, whatever woman, wonder woman, the fucking iron giant just stay home


>Tomlinson man
Now that's a superhero I'd like to see.


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Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
Wrong again, stalker child


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It's a pretty unfortunate name nowadays when people are catching on to streetshitters and their repulsive ways.


Would love to see him beat the shit out of diddler dax.


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Is he really okay with child molester stuff? Doesn't he have a fat co-host who's into Cuties and "ironically" lusts after children or something? Or is that just more of the usual Foxdick Farms pearl clutching? They have the pic related mindset, except they might even be more hardcore than that.


And he owns a restaurant hence why he managed to fund his film passion, he's what Queertin Tarantino aspires to be.

More like Tomolester


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His cohost is a self-confessed predator, he's also buddies with a guy who is pimping out a retarded woman. It's a pattern of behavior


>hurr we're doing the ISIS index finger gesture


>His cohost is a self-confessed predator,
That must be the one I was thinking of.


Reminder both Dax and his audio engineer Shawn are half-Jewish.


i watched one of his flicks yesterday with some friends, he is far from being such a "shitty" director like the redditors say, the guy actually is far better than 90% of modern directors


is the jew manlet still having vito (the fat jew) in his dead show?


The guy is actually based.


>He holds a PhD in literature
Damn, one smart Aryan.


We need an Uwe Boll kino with Ramon and JBalv, in an adaptation of God Hand.

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