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In his famous book on poetics, Aristotle said that the purpose of the genre known as tragedy was to evoke a sense of fear and pity in the audience. Nowadays, it seems like it's been divided into to separate genres: one that's dedicated solely to evoking fear (horror) and one solely dedicated to evoking pity (tear-jerker). Are there any films that bring these two back together into classical tragedy?


No. Fear and pity can only be experienced with kin and countrymen. People forget that the Greeks were the OG National Socialists.


>Greeks were the OG National Socialists.
I would love to hear you explain this.


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The Thebans, according to their own founding myth, had a Phoenician (Semitic) origin.


Real life


OH NO MY WORLDVIEW HAS BEEN SHATTERED *starts vomiting weird green shit and eyes start bleeding*


>Aristotle said that the purpose of the genre known as tragedy was to evoke a sense of fear and pity in the audience
Examples from greek myths?




Oedipus is another example.


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>Horror and Pity
I guess Chinatown and Rosemary's Baby fits


Only to normal people. Knowing Polanski, Chinatown may have very well been a power fantasy he made for himself.


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Any documentary on CWC


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Sorta fits I guess


Polanski was just the director brought on later and he changed the ending to the downbeat one it is in the film, but it didn't start with him but Robert Towne. And with the decades long rumors of incest between John Houston and Anjelica Houston, who was Jack Nicholson's live in gf at the time, I wonder if there was some meta going on with the movie.


>I wonder if there was some meta going on with the movie.
I read that Chinatown is full of occult symbolism


Any my own hold an origin from continental Germans.


Brad's acting in the end was so god damn hammy.




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Politics aside this film always emotionally ruins me. I always felt sense of believability though its tactics of manipulation. Fear can do overwhelming things and on mass it does become unstoppable in reaching (to a degree) it's impossible goals. The absolute cruelty and hatred brought on by fear. Like watching a herd stampede itself off a cliff. completely powerless their own mass suicide


Never seen it because the book is top-tier, slow at times but the ending is a never-ending staircase fall


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I saw it once and don't remember much of it. The impression I was left with was just how dreary and miserable of an atmosphere it was able to create.


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Surprised this hasn't been posted yet.


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The book is crap, one of many books that only nerdy midwits pretend to like, when the movies are obviously superior. See Starship Troopers, Blade Runner, Dune, The Lord of The Rings and Godfather, all far superior to the source material.


No way. Even the Spicediver edit can't compete with the book.


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MovieBob is obviously less of a "lolcow" and less =faggot== than everyone on this dead site or seething about "Nuzach" on /cattle/.


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>Nuzach is defending Motion Picture Robert now


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>people said they didn't want women to treat men like shit
>that's when i realized people didn't want women to treat men like shit
>and that's a bad thing


Cronenberg's The Fly fits this well.


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I am much happier than MovieBob because I play superior Sega games.


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By following your assbackwards logic, Quentin is the greater male role model since Movieblob still jerks off to BingBingWahoo like any other /v/irgin and harassed (((our))) queen Lindsay Ellis.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tamers12345 should make a MovieBob vs Super Ramon




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The epic of CWC


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What about the tragedy that is Harry Potter?


Are they seriously banning Harry Potter books?

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