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Sam Hyde is officially not funny any more.

That's it.

The End.




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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I literally fell asleep attempting to sit through that.


Is it really that bad? Will nick and charls be able to save WP2? Jet Neptune seems to have drained the funny out of him.


Of course that matan is some faggy jew.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
he's redpilled


india is going to be nuked so I don't care.


His old stuff doesn't hold up anymore if you go back and watch it


Obvious b8


his best character is Mr. Praline Buttercake Ice Cream


WP2 will never be released. There are a lot of butthurt trannies and shitskins who hate Sam, but he's giving them ammunition.
It's been over a year since he's done anything funny and he wastes a lot of time around zoomers.


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>AdultSwim is not interested in negotiating the trademark "World Peace" to them
Are they still taking down archives of their show?


you can vote on the replacement title for WP2 here:


A lot of anons here think sam not releasing stuff is anything new. Reminder that the williamsburg interviews have at least 2-3 more parts, parts sam will never release because he is autistic, lazy, and takes forever to edit. Reminder Smocaine 3 was made in early to mid 2013 and wasn't released till 2017. Parking lot genie was also obviously a holdout skit because Nick is clearly a lot younger looking. Sam is a greedy faggot, he has talent but unlike charls or nick he lacks self-awareness to correct, or rather he does not want to self-correct. Some might say its why he can be so funny, that might be true to be honest, but he is still a giant faggot for better or worse.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Starting off strong before quickly fizzling out seems to be his nature. The Ted Talk ("idk it's just a bunch of crap") and every season of fishtank are prime examples of this.


That is also how sam boxed, he did a good job all things considered, his character was funny but he gassed in a couple rounds and won by his sheer natural strength alone.


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>tfw scam hyde proves astrology


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Some autists remembering the time sammy fucked the crazy teenage girl who was within the age of consent? Why not the tranny that was a lot more interesting and noteworthy.


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Forced leftypol and kiwifarms drama.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
They're still resentful over the shitty dating novel for cucks who have never dealt with a dyke in their miserable lives, Sam has definitely crossed the path when he scammed retarded manchildren out of their welfare.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


People always get mad at sam for the based shit hes done.


By people I mean normalniggers, of course they don't get mad at the tranny fucking or shady book deal crap he did with charls. Not to mention how he fucked over Don Jolly or that he doesn't follow half the life advice that Nick gave him. There are plenty of things to get at sammy for, having sex with a 16 year old who was within the age of consent in the state, and who was a hoe isn't one of them.


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Butthurt tranny


The advantages of being a nobody, not even the spergs at /mlp/ called it.


Well the tranny probably was asshurt after same fucked him.


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Sam Hyde hater showing up his true colors with that post
>looks like fake shit from some schizo troll!!!


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>Imagine bringing back anti-humor for mainstream platforms
<Only to get pushed aside


Some of the sketches in World Peace are funny. It's not anti-humor, they would get kicked anyway. So I don't blame them for deciding to do some sketches that were purely absurd and political, but in such a way that it was more artistic than what the public is used to aka BAD.


World Peace was kino, it was gonna be shoahed anyways, sam knew this and thats why he went all out. It may have lasted a little longer had he been more restrained on kiker.


Leftist meme tier


Good enough to make you seethe, tranny.


did these morons ever release World Peace 2?



Sam was trying to get the copyright but (((adult swim))) won't let him.


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You know fish tank is just pure shit so he has brought
>the nigger charleston White who admitted raping a White women at a bar then set him to harass the one White girl who said she kinda liked Hitler implying he was going to rape her if she fell asleep
>literal faggot nigger
>coal burner mental patient he 5150'd
>gook he fell in love with
>Weird bisexual lesbo sociopath that was sometimes ok because she at least liked Hitler
>hannah the grifting nigger lover "podcaster"
>gave the prize to a injun
>then some random cunt got money
>autistic narcissist cole
>a half jew
>gay beaner
>Betty who is actually a neet crazy was the most "normal"

The entire show felt a satanic degenerate even after all the talk Sam made about how faggy entertainment got and how every one on tv is retarded leftard/jew nonsense. Sam makes something even faggier, satanic and more boring than the average commietard shows on netflix. I don't care that he fucked trannies or plowed a roastie. Sam thinks he was the first to use 90s graphics when ripped it off other youtubers and that streamers were copying his show when big brother and reality tv have existed for a long time. Sam didn't have to create a faggot satanic creep show, he could just did a comedy tour.

Its just that Sam grifted the fuck out of his fans and further shifted the overton chaotic leftard satanic garbage for the "alternative" part of the internet. I'm pretty sure at this point Sam is a satanist I don't think its a coincidence Doja Cat a satanist has worn his merch or that he hung out with Roger Stone who was on Epstein island plowing kids. Sam Hyde is a psyop part of the satanic jew "illuminati". All of his actions have been beyond even average jew in hollywood. Tim Heidecker ironically was right Sam is a piece of shit while Tim is just a average soyboy but Sam is a psychopathic, satanist , narcissistic, backstabber, trust fund kid.


no, just making more lazy content and having hundreds of pseudo-golems screaming about how special they are because they are christian in his commentaries
most of his old audience is gone at this point i guess or just don't care much about watching his recent stuff


is Charls still onboard with WP2?

Charls explained during his drunk meltdown that Sam blocked stuff from being released sometimes to spite others who worked on it, and sometimes to maximize the share of credit he would get from it

so sad to see Sam look down on the entertainment industry for years only to eventually become a low quality parody of them at the first opportunity
i guess money comes before principles and good taste, or whatever his pseudo act pretended to follow all this time


Sam has drastically shifted his "100% this is my authentic views" numerous times. He used to talk shit about the state of women and coomers but as soon as he got asian pussy he stated all wants to do is coom in whores and stated he tries to fuck his fans. Sam is worst than Tim now in the end by miles, Tim never grifted his fans and told young men to ruin their self with blue collar jobs.


both charls and nick helped make WP2, I don't think they have sames shitty politics, but they find it hard to leave a friend like same.

Charls was right about sam, but he really wanted the band to be back together, lets just hope charls and Nick save WP2 because the last decent thing same made was the jaihoo novel.


Sam wanted pay piggies he was nothing without Nick.


I really find it amusing that people refer to this jester's comedy skit productions as if they are some kind of movement or art project that can be "ruined" or "saved". Maybe it's time to take a step back and stop personally identifying with a post-ironic comedian? He's laughing at you this entire time.


No he is laughing at you Sam hates his fans.


What comedy skit productions? Thanks Computer was 10 years ago. World Peace was 8 years ago. Sam is a hasbeen podcaster hack just like half of youtube

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