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File: 1721279421508.png (426.85 KB, 646x767, 646:767, reptilian lips.png) ImgOps iqdb


Okay, okay. That's it. I've had it with this crap. Give me some good movies to watch. It should go without saying that they have to be 20th century because I said "good" and not "zoomer slop"


There's nobody here, bro.


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Streets of Fire. It achieves the impossible: it's both cool and cheesy at the same time.


Could you narrow it down to a genre?


Cherry 2000


Love the look of the poster, it gives of a van gogh look tbh.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Trollenberg Terror


I saw that on MST3K a long time ago and remember the episode being pretty decent for what it was.


The Green Slime


Turkish kino


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
British Socialist Boomer gives his flick recommendations.




You have shit taste. Lrn2liek actual good movies


The third Pokémon movie.


Kung Pow.




Gay Niggers from Outer Space


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I hate you and everything you stand for. But Angel Heart is fucking kino. There's niggers in it so that probably prevented you from seeing it.


that is the greasiest looking poster ever.


It's a greasy flick


The creole chick in this movie was hot as fuck

other than that, shitty christian meme movie, one of de niro's worst


Lisa Bonet like Erika Badu who is provably her protege are real voodoo witches


4000 get


4000 getters


4000 getest



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Do better than muh boys


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If I were in charge, you would receive a temporary ban for such a cheap get, along with get-rigging.

This board is slow as molasses, if you would've stopped for a minute and thought of something creative with an image to post, you probably would've got the get.


Also it was 40000 get, not 4000. You can't even count you twit.


Swear it hadn't been done before


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I've noticed that it's quite popular to hate Doug in certain circles these days. Has he said anything controversial?


Only trannies hate douge at this point


File: 1725407803633.jpg (559.33 KB, 773x755, 773:755, Nostalgia Critic somehow c….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Trannies hate Doug Walker
Try to make sense out of this one.


What the fuck is wrong with these people?
90 percent of douges haters are tranny freaks who used to love him before they were groomed but hate him now causes hes to white and to male.



I used to hate him because I found him annoying and unfunny. Even his face I found punchable. I still don't find him funny, but as he lost popularity, started shaving his head, and showed that he could laugh at himself I stopped minding him.


I always considered douge kino tbh


>Try to make sense out of this one.
I can't. This is completely indecipherable to me.


File: 1725427560452.png (1.05 MB, 1000x1397, 1000:1397, Louis Cyphre - illustratio….png) ImgOps iqdb

This film helped inspire Shin Megami Tensei.


they are mad at him for not becoming a full left-winger faggot and they also think he is dumb as fuck and can't really do a good review

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