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We need to go back!


I wish we could.


I may be jumping to conclusions here, but it seems like fascination with gore is common among gay pedophiles. Jeffrey Dahmer and Michel Foucault are two examples that come to mind.


That's totally true, I think that getting to into Gore besides trying to fortify ones brain will inevitably lead to a degenerate downfall.


Lot's of pseudo intellectuals and moralfags from the "right" seethe about shitty B movies and gore. Some are straight up retarded and actually propaganda, but most of them are just dumb fun.


I think some are fun, and I think fake right wingers moralfaggging about them when the world is on fire are giant faggots. I still feel that a guro obession can lead somone down a wrong path, it depends on the person.


Any obsession is bad
But there's nothing wrong with enjoying exploitation movies.


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Exploitation and B movies are for the mentally disturbed, imagine having 100+ years of creative works at your fingertips and you decide to load up Cannibal Clown 5: The Rapening (Uncut)


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All gore with no taste, it's all predictable retardness for the Gen Xexless to feel punk.


Hatred was a kino game tho


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>Exploitation and B movies are for the mentally disturbed, imagine having 100+ years of creative works at your fingertips and you decide to load up Cannibal Clown 5: The Rapening (Uncut)

>All gore with no taste, it's all predictable retardness for the Gen Xexless to feel punk.



Post your eyes and biceps


I feel like kris is into a different type of exploitation films, the type louis the cuck king obviously likes, and he more or less supports the views of the post you are responding to.

I don't entirely agree with it and I enjoy some instances of hypergore in my tranime and I am none of these individuals. So clearly gore exploitation films and other types of these films in general have audiences that aren't the total scum of society. the bad kind


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Unironically this. Is crige kino and yet has a lot more soul than any AAA slop and most indies

Reddit approved "edgy" is just lame. For example, in recent seasons of South Park they again made several jokes about Catholic priests being pedos. If they really still had an edgy they would have made rabbis as the pedos too.
But now the show is Goy getting more and more cucked and several Jews and writing the episodes. The Boys and all adult cartoons also follow the same scheme of safe edgy.
Based Krisposter.


Antisemitism is safe edgy and reddit approved though, even teenage girls are doing it with tiktok dances


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Post examples.


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>Gen xister tries to btfo da haters
<Ends up posting his biography
How's your manchild of a father? Is he ashamed that he's not a bigger race traitor than you?


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The college protests I guess, but then again marxists fail at recognizing semites.


Friendly reminder that the hail was used using the right hand, not the left. The left arm was for the armband.


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>Gen x
I'm a Millennial
You missed out faggot


Sometimes I wish I could just become uber jason


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>Antisemitism is safe edgy and reddit approved though, even teenage girls are doing it with tiktok dances


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Thank you for your astute observation, anon. I fixed it.


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Doesn't remove the fact that you're a horrorcuck, let's all thank your kind for encouraging everyone to swallow the Kool AIDS through emotional manipulation.
>Missed out
What? Some fucking masked or deformed sociopath who all of the sudden refuses to die because the script says so? It requires no fucking thought when shitting out a horror film, in fact, during the early 2000s the cinema was packed with shitty horror movies before capeshit was slowly taking over. The only interesting happening to Jason was some nobody who ended up having all the rights of the franchise because he wiped his ass with the script of the first movie.


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You missed out faggot


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