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Kyle Carrozza, who created the series Mighty Magiswords for Cartoon Network, has been arrested and charged with possession of child pornography.

Along with helming Mighty Magiswords, Carrozza has worked on numerous shows for Cartoon Network, Disney, PBS Kids and Nickelodeon, according to USA Today.

Carrozza, 45, was arrested in Burbank, California, on June 20 and hit with two charges of possession of child pornography.

The arrest was made after police served a search warrant on his home. Police records say that the TV animator was found with the porn images and charged on a count of possessing between 12 and 600 images of child porn.

The suspect worked on the 2015 film, The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water. Along with Mighty Magiswords, Carrozza also worked on projects including, Adventure Time, Animaniacs, Doc McStuffins, The Doc Files, Fish Hooks, Fanboy & Chum Chum, Danger Rangers, and Teen Titans Go. He most recently worked on Camp Snoopy and Fairly OddParents: A New Wish.

Carrozza also worked as a voice actor on his Mighty Magiswords series, which aired from 2016 to 2019 and totaled 92 episodes.

f convicted, Carrozza could be sentenced to a year in county jail, three years in a state penitentiary, and could also face a $2,500 fine, depending on whether he is charged with a felony or a misdemeanor.

None of the networks Carrozza has worked for have made any statements on his arrest.


Suprised he isn't a tribesmen, either way he looks like the type to be a pedo. Send Hell my regards kike-loving faggot.


<The embodiment of /co/


>If convicted, Carrozza could be sentenced to a year in county jail, three years in a state penitentiary, and could also face a $2,500 fine, depending on whether he is charged with a felony or a misdemeanor.
Not a bad deal. He's one of the lucky ones who got charged by the state of California instead of the federal government.


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DeviantArtfags got it easy.


That's a 45 year old man?


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Why they always look like that? I bet Nuzach actually have that kind of aesthetic. From what I remember he used to be a /co/ faggot.


The ugly man, who missed out on child love, teen love, and who can't get a decent woman, turns to his computer for pleasure. He then faces persecution from the legal system, run by the same sadistic psychopaths who bullied him in school.


That's why you are Zach 2.0


Honestly its one thing to look up at fucked up porn, you are only hurting yourself, its another thing to derive sexual and mental pleasure from the suffering of innocent children. How does that own the heckin' bullies? At this point the bully probably is married and has a decent life, maybe he even feels bad about ribbing this pedo freak.


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What is this style called /tv/?


>the suffering of innocent children
In reality, the vast majority of CP has nothing to do with suffering or abuse. It's mostly just horny kids taking their clothes off and masturbating or having sex with each other, which they voluntarily record.


Try actually making argument that isn't full of shit you pedo defending faggot. That isn't true, but lets play kikes advocate and assume what you say is 100 percent the truth even though it isn't, people shouldn't be getting off to naked kids. Its fucked in the head and its so indicative of a morally corrupt society to take advantage of children to the extent that its happening.

The only person you are personally fucking over is yourself, by modifying your brain to get off to that crap, but you enable pedokikes you continue to circulate this shit and producing it by becoming one of them as well.


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>NOO it can't be true! That's impossible!
I'm afraid it's true, son, and we have the data to back it up.

So now that the government finally admits CP is self-made by the kids, what course of action should be taken? If CP was as bad as they say, why wouldn't you take a page from drug enforcement, and target the supply side by taking measures to prevent kids from making their own, instead of targeting possessors? Because deep down Americans have become comfortable with kids taking pics and sharing them among themselves. They only care when pedos get their hands on the images, because they are indoctrinated to hate the other, the outsider, the freethinker.


<what if the child consents tho?!
Subversive kike, that crap which kids are encouraged into doing isn't comparable to the type of fucked up shit from the deep web I know you get your rocks off of. It isn't kids directing that crap, that is for sure.

Isn't it also interesting that kids are being more and more indoctrinated into doing shit like this, really makes you think. I also don't entirely accept what you or the government says about CP, seeing as how you two are both the true biggest sponsors of it.


Surprise, puberty causes the animal to want to fuck.


>Subversive kike, that crap which kids are encouraged into doing isn't comparable to the type of fucked up shit from the deep web I know you get your rocks off of.
I don't know what type of content you're referring to, I'm just going by what has been common knowledge for some time that today's CP is largely a result of horny kids recording themselves and sharing it. And finally now, like 15 years after the iPhone came out, are they finally getting around to admitting it. I'm just saying we should take a step back and consider the mental gymnastics of all this, of giving kids smartphones with Internet access in a sexually-permissive society, knowing full well what happens, and then persecuting men for accessing the images.

If you want to talk about suffering, the real suffering is what happens to people charged with CP possession. When they finally get through with their sentence, they very often end up homeless because they can't obtain housing or a job. Their reputation is tarnished. It breaks up families. It's basically a life sentence no matter what state. It's arguably worse than rape itself, because rape is a temporary inconvenience.

Maybe it's a little whataboutism, but you should take a step back and consider there are worse social ills than naked kids anyway, which are not only legal, but tolerated. Greed is what is really destroying this country and making it unaffordable to live.


>I don't know what type of content you're referring to, I'm just going by what has been common knowledge for some time that today's CP is largely a result of horny kids recording themselves and sharing it. And finally now, like 15 years after the iPhone came out, are they finally getting around to admitting it. I'm just saying we should take a step back and consider the mental gymnastics of all this, of giving kids smartphones with Internet access in a sexually-permissive society, knowing full well what happens, and then persecuting men for accessing the images.

I agree anon we shouldn't let retarded kids have access to the internet, nor should we allow pedophiles to groom them into posting images of themselves.

>If you want to talk about suffering, the real suffering is what happens to people charged with CP possession. When they finally get through with their sentence, they very often end up homeless because they can't obtain housing or a job. Their reputation is tarnished. It breaks up families. It's basically a life sentence no matter what state. It's arguably worse than rape itself, because rape is a temporary inconvenience.

I don't feel bad for guys who want to fuck little kids anon. If only the (((elite))) suffered the same fate.

>Maybe it's a little whataboutism, but you should take a step back and consider there are worse social ills than naked kids anyway, which are not only legal, but tolerated. Greed is what is really destroying this country and making it unaffordable to live.

<the heckin' greed
<I mean who cares about this

Honestly wouldn't care about it so much if you freaks wouldn't constantly post it on my site and preach to me how oppressed you pedokikes are.


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Are you seriously sympathizing to the weeping freeloading manchild who has blacklisted everyone except for his circlejerk? What did he bring into society besides shitting out mediocre cartoons whose artstyle resemble a sterilized Ren and Stimpy?

The 4channer, he gets cucked UNDER HIS RULES, that'll show dem ess-jay-double-jews.


>Are you seriously sympathizing to the weeping freeloading manchild who has blacklisted everyone except for his circlejerk? What did he bring into society besides shitting out mediocre cartoons whose artstyle resemble a sterilized Ren and Stimpy?
Not sympathizing with Carrozza in particular. I know nothing about him. I just don't think a human being deserves what this jew system puts him through over having the wrong combination of ones and zeros on his computer.

It'd be different if he actually fucked a child. Look, we've got bigger fish to fry in this world. We just had Congress prostrate itself before a mass-murdering psychopath today.


Pedophiles aren't the people being oppressed by the system anon, even though they should, over 50 percent of the elite who are above the law are pedoforks. Why should I care about the pedos who are unlucky enough to not be a yid or an (((elite))) ally of the yids? Honestly wouldn't hate on pedokikes so much here if again, they didn't constantly come here to defend themselves and make their fucked up fetish that fried their brain have to be known to everyone. likely (you) Add to the need to post it, to constantly defending it while trying to constantly subvert and make people accept it you can see why I am not a fan.


I think it's implied Blossom is a jewess to the point it's canon.


I don't believe in pedophilia per se, I mean there are definitely people who fetishize children exclusively, but the term was invented by psychology like a hundred years ago, but before that, most guys liked little girls to an extent, generally as low as 10 because that's what the AOC was. It's not something that people dwelled on because everybody still fucked women. Considering how repugnant women have become by the time they're legal with the modern AOCs, is it any surprise why some men just don't find them attractive anymore and fantasize about little girls?


It has literally never been natural to be attracted to prepubescent children.


Many things humans do are "unnatural". It's unnatural to drive a car, or pilot a plane. It's unnatural to use that computer you're on right now. It's unnatural to get a blowjob from your wife.


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>I know nothing about him.
For starters he did have a girlfriend, was desperate to get a position in the animation industry although he was unbearable to work with due to his ego and nuked all of his portfolio because he gets so thin-skinned when they compared his art-style with John Krifalucsi's. He had all he opportunities in the world to come out with something that'd save Cartoon Network, but failed, failed miserably to the point of just serving coffees to his somehow successful colleagues.

However that didn't stop him from conjoining his ass to the nepotistic circlejerk that is the cartoon industry, he blacklisted another aspirin artist under the excuse that he drew Invader Zim shota porn, of course he couldn't bring solid evidence on that case but Kyle was already put in a high pedestal: So yeah let's all believe the artist with a bright future. This is the kind of people that (((Unions))) want to support:
>Freeloaders who nitpick who gets in or gets banned
>Morally policing the wrongthinkers, while being punk
>Being rock bottom degenerates who tend to emotionally manipulate his peers after getting caught
>Always push for liberalism, no matter if the party is beyond salvation
Basically a bunch of watered down congressmen.


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Is it morally correct to own child pornography because it's same thing as owning clothing fabricated by underage slaves? According to leftwing advocate Vaush: It is.
It's also unnatural giving a child unsupervised access to the internet so he could strip naked in Discord just to impress his retarded e-celebs.


>Is it morally correct to own child pornography because it's same thing as owning clothing fabricated by underage slaves?
It doesn't have to be this way. Before self-made CP became prevalent, there was a cottage nonnude child modeling industry. I think in retrospect, even antis would agree this was a better arrangement. The kids were being compensated for their work, and there was less CP being made as a result. Everybody was playing by the rules. Bring child modeling back with stricter labor regulations ensuring they are adequately compensated.


Hey guys its Emojitroon here. I got groomed by Yakuza. He made me crossdress and shove a dildo straight up my white whores ass while watching me on camera.


<hecking kidfucking is the same as driving a car
Really just moving the goalpost there.
<bring back muh legal images of kids in swimsuits to jerk off to
At least your being a little more honest.
What I want you to do is go be a pedophile where I can't see it, where it doesn't affect my life or my reputation ever. I'm not some normalfag who despises you pedoforks because I'm told to, I despise you guys cause you always poison the well and have to tell the whole fucking world:
<wahhh I am a pedophile look at me
<wahhh I wanna fuck kids feel bad for me
The deep web exists, there are other image boards on the surface that have a home for you, why not go there? I find the conversation interesting and all but I can't tell when is the next time you will lose your cool and you'll try to spam CSAM in retaliation for being made fun of. But I'm not gonna support MAP's just because you constantly make subversive arguments coming straight from the mouth of shlomo.


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>What I want you to do is go be a pedophile where I can't see it, where it doesn't affect my life or my reputation ever. I'm not some normalfag who despises you pedoforks because I'm told to, I despise you guys cause you always poison the well and have to tell the whole fucking world:
><wahhh I am a pedophile look at me
><wahhh I wanna fuck kids feel bad for me
I'm on topic with the thread, and I've given my opinion on the matter. The problem is you're close-minded and don't like being exposed to alternate viewpoints which propose an iota sympathy for individuals like Carrozza, or a humanistic approach to the matter. God forbid anyone has an original thought which deviates from the party line of "gas all pedos".

>The deep web exists, there are other image boards on the surface that have a home for you, why not go there? I find the conversation interesting and all but I can't tell when is the next time you will lose your cool and you'll try to spam CSAM in retaliation for being made fun of.

Oh no, not me. I only deal with legal, ZOG-approved sources of content. Coppers ain't got nothing on me.




>I'm on topic with the thread, and I've given my opinion on the matter. The problem is you're close-minded and don't like being exposed to alternate viewpoints
No I am fine with it but I won't hide my disdain, nor will I not point out the subversive tactics you use to achieve MAP acceptance.

>a humanistic approach to the matter

I despise humanism in all forms anon, you won't find an ounce of mercy for this guy in me. I do feel bad for some of the lonely anons who dupe themeselves with porn and who fry their brains. That is because their my brothers in arms. I think that pedophilia and lolicon related fetishes are basically a corrupted form of unrequited paternal love mixed together with the unrequited love you mentioned when first defending Carrozza. This is among anons in particular and its unrelated to other forms of pedophilia, I think its because the average anon cares a lot but is often an outcast. Than he watches cuckime with some cute underage girl who looks way older and gradually he peels away at the normalcy of his brain until hes actually attracted to true lolis for their prepubescent look and their innocent personalities. He is afraid of being burned but the main issue is you aren't meant to be biologically attracted to prepubescent children, like homosexuality and transgenderism their is nothing biological to be created from the relationship, it is a sterile manmade abyss of insanity like them, a deviation of nature that is wrong and has awful consequences.

>God forbid anyone has an original thought which deviates from the party line of "gas all pedos".

You just aren't being honest, I get that your a pedophile, that you fried your brain with cuckime, and I get that it urks you when I say kill pedophiles. You have a sickness much in the same vain as transgenderism and homosexuality, it can't easily be cured and you are obsessed with replicating. I dislike you because you are often annoying, anti-traditional, and are subversive wherever I go on the internet.

>Oh no, not me. I only deal with legal, ZOG-approved sources of content. Coppers ain't got nothing on me.

Well at least you are telling me that your just a loli type of dude which is still a hell of a lot better than some of the shit I have seen posted. I would tell you to stop looking at that stuff and to try and fix your brain but I doubt you would want that at this point.


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>Sympathy for the manchild who never did anything productive but to give blowjobs to Warner's executives
Why the fuck are you defending that overweight snake who swallowed his colleagues just to be on top? Being a closeted pedophile is what it takes to redeem himself? Despite being a flown blown nepotistic liberal freeloader?
Nobody will ever get to see his new shitty cartoon projects, truly a bigger loss than the Alexandria library!


a true zzzchan moment


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This is you?


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Why'd you do it Chris???


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Trannies and redditors are doing some big damage control about this entire shit.


I don't get the specific pedo defense. Why would I feel sorry for any of these freaks?


Josh Moon is a pedo.


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Because they're part of the good goyim squad, sexual degenerates have built society or some retarded bullshit.


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>Children should get their genitals mutilated
<Because they can consent
The king of reddit has spoken.


Sneako might be friends with nick the spic, be might be a mutt, he might be a mudslime, he might have been a gay model, cuck, and e-celeb but I am glad go see he fucked moist reddit up.


The fanboys of this dirty manlet are literally comparing him to Jesus, while seething about Synthetic Man


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What to expect from faggots who never had a father figure.


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>Gets caught red-handed
</co/cksuckers come up with an Ai song to mock his mediocre legacy


How bad is cuckchan /co/? I remember even before Reddit it was one of the worst boards

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