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File: 1721622465924.png (289.83 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb


This is the real reason everything sucks now. All of the other reasons people give are secondary. Technology has made it so that you put virtually any image you can think of on screen with relatively little effort. This means filmmakers no longer have to hone their craft, sharpen their minds, or even use their brains at all.


True anon, true. It takes a truly big brained man to create something an impose limitations on himself when he has the infinite in his grasp.


It's definitely related to technology, but not in the way you think OP. The real problem is that every time new technology capable of reducing the amount of necessary labor to create a product is adopted in mass, paradoxically the overall profitability of a given industry goes down. How do entertainment industries cope with this phenomenon? Investors consolidate projects into giant ones because smaller investments with the same tiny profit margin aren't worth the effort, they then homogenize these huge projects for mass appeal as much as possible now that they can't be allowed to fail at all costs, and oh yeah they lean really hard into advertising to protect their investments. Every one of these things is caustic to producing art.


It isn't about heckin profit its always about the quality of the people making films.


The "something for everyone" is so fucking retarded. The latest Ghostbusters gave me whiplash. There are scenes with toddler level slapstick, romantic subplots, action/horror that is played straight, family melodrama, there's a scene where they joke about a fisting sex dungeon (I don't remember exactly but it felt out of place)… pick a fucking lane


I think it could work in theory if you picked one main genre and built everything else around that. The problem is they try to give an equal amount of screen time to everything without giving any thought as to how it all will fit together.


I think it could work if picked one one main genre and built everything else around that instead of trying to give everything equal screen time.


Oh, didn't realize the post I made earlier went through. It wasn't showing up in the thread.

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