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File: 1721654903470-0.jpg (119.51 KB, 702x501, 234:167, wigger movie.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1721654903470-1.jpg (544.96 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, JFK.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1721654903470-2.png (67.48 KB, 754x851, 754:851, WFC-2024-7-14.PNG) ImgOps iqdb


>"Wigger" is a spellbinding urban drama, which chronicles the life of a young, White, male (Brandon) who totally emulates and immerses himself in African American life and culture. Brandon is an aspiring R&B singer struggling to overcome the confines of a White racist, impoverished family headed by a neo-Nazi father who is absolutely appalled by his son's total identification with Black culture. Additionally, he is oft times reminded of his position of privilege by virtue of being White in a White, racist society despite his adamant efforts to transcend "Whiteness", institutionalized racism, and find a place for himself in a world in which he rejects Whiteness but is not always fully embraced by African American culture. Ultimately, this is the story of a young White, inner-city, male caught up in an emotional, psychological, experiential, and racial "Catch 22" determined to be granted acceptance in the life and culture with which he chooses to identify.

>This acclaimed Oliver Stone drama presents the investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy led by New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner). When Garrison begins to doubt conventional thinking on the murder, he faces government resistance, and, after the killing of suspected assassin Lee Harvey Oswald (Gary Oldman), he closes the case. Later, however, Garrison reopens the investigation, finding evidence of an extensive conspiracy behind Kennedy's death.

NEXT WEEKS DOUBLE THEME: Movie from the Barack Obama Movie Studio & Film made by a student


Protip: there is a Director's Cut of JFK available.


does anyone have a source to watch Wigger


Seems to be gone from the Internet.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
This is all I could find. I guess it was so real they had to scrub it. The website for the movie itself is gone.


>Movie from the Barack Obama Movie Studio
Leave the World Behind
>Film made by a student
The Steamroller and the Violin


>Movie from the Barack Obama Movie Studio
Did tvch's assigned glownigger recommend this category? I have better things to do than watch straight up globohomo propaganda.


>Obama made a movie called Wigger
Next you're gonna tell me Trump was behind Annoying Orange


The Annoying Orange was predictive programming for Dup.


James and the giant peach was literally foreshadowing to dup going in the peach.

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