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The power of 'mon
Da power of joos
The power of flurrrryyyy


oh, this nigger again.


Based anon who makes OCs keep triggering the unfunny goblincel


Based Ramon and J balvin


based coons


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A Ramon a day keeps the Nuzach away!


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>a Ramon a day
you mean you jack off to Ramon a day? I am sure you do!
Made you post it again! LOL. I made you saved constant pictures of a literal fag to your harddrive! Rent free!


lol the kike incel is seething


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Yeah, I am an incel. The owner of this website is an incel. So what? Why are you afraid that you too are an incel? You should be wearing it like a bad of honor admist all these fatass, entitled hogs and coons and Jews. Yes, the faggot ass kike run society did select us out. If ZOG does not like you, you're GOOD.


There is a difference between being an incel, or using the classical term, robot who is based and redpilled and an incel who is a slave-morality-filled materialistic faggot. Just look at how reddit absorbed the blackpill, subverted it with leftism and made an army of self-hating, self-deleting, sad men who cannot be fixed due to the complete death of true spirituality in them.


Trannies technically fall into the involuntary celibate, once their genitalia gets trashed.


They cut it off voluntarily though. They (masculine plural) are volcels.


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Emojitroon here to goonpost. I'm addicted to porn, I broke my dick from masturbating so much. I have fantasies about older men and older women fucking me. I'm a catamite and I need to be pegged.


Ok, then I'm a robot. We are robots here. The reddit faggots can troon out.


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A coon a day keeps Ramonfaggot gay!


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A very nigger face, especially the nose.


Based, reminder incel was a term used by he jewess to insult Imperial Japanese soldiers after world war jew, she was the one who wrote their cucked constitution that doesn't allow them to have a proper military.
Ramonfag can you explain the science behind Ramonposting? Where does the inspiration come from?


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Keep them coming, keep making the butthurt shitskin mad.


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Not him, but let's post some lore here before Nuzach/Pedochu sperg out again and make up his usual lies.

1- People on /tv/ and /b/ used to post memes about Ramon even before 8chan was created, you still can even find some ocs of Ramon/Raul in the archives of 4chan /tv/ from 2010.
2- He is a funny retarded guy who left Cuba and moved to Florida and has a face scar.
3- He actually called out the jews back in the days, talked about how jews have big and important positions both in USA porn industry and back in Cuba
4- He show up in some latino tv shows for whatever reason
5- After naming the jews, he got arrested for a short time.
6- After that he started to do porn with trannies, the Super Ramon era started there, for whatever reason him decided to be this goofy character.
7- People here who used to post Harv/JBalv/SiegeJulay noticed that Ramonposting used to trigger some faggot who was always crying about "muh guntstream", "muh /cow/kikes" and since he keeps getting assblasted just like Zach >we post him to trigger this faggot who is always jumping ips and wanting this site dead.


There's some old meme about Ramon in Alien from the mid 2010's but I lost the link and pictured a long time ago.


Holy shit the lore was real, Perhaps he was forced to do the tranny porn as part of some humiliation ritual?


>tfw you will never be made to pound shemale ass as punishment


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I don't doubt that it was a humiliation ritual, but Ramon is a bit of a goofyball and I don't think he ever even thinks about it, he just follows the rhythm of life without pondering.


I made several writing mistakes in my posts but fuck it, I'm not going to delete and post again since someone else already replied.


That's pretty normal. I make mistakes all the time because I don't bother proofreading my ephemeral imageboard posts.


I've just been insomniac and haven't eaten anything for over a day. Multitasking while working and trying to archive some videos.
Basically I just wanted to disprove this story that 1-Ramonposting is something new. 2-It's just one person doing it.
The faggot who claims this is the same one who says Zach never existed and was Gahoole and Weasel creating the whole thing as a lie.


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When we will get a James Cameron kino with Ramon?


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You weren't selected out, you selected yourself out. By /r9k/ standards J Balvin should be forever alone, but through talent and charisma he made it, and has an hot wife and a healthy baby boy. The opportunities are out there but nothing will happen if you just sit in your NEET dungeon watching anime all day

And the McResponsibility? Is on you.


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Ramon is a gay nigger mongrel owned by the kike Ron Jeremy. Gay Ramon bent his gay nigger butt over and took Jewish money and Jewish dick up his gay nigger ass so he could do likewise with gay white men and then with the help of Viagra with white women so that porn addicted losers like you could beat your meat. Some fag probably you, you disgusting manchild posting your beloved coon on 4chan 6 years ago doesn't mean shit. Fuck yourself and kys.
Lol Hey, Gahoole, fatass. You know, your life advice was always total lies, just like everything you did and said here. You live in a world of lies. That's why you preach responsibility and then turn around and eat 4,000 calories of McDonalds. It's why you try to blend in as just another anon when you post. It's why you hide. I told you to start working out and cooking for yourself for years, but you're a fat lazy slob, so you prefer grotesque obesity. I'm not going to pretend to sit here and explain reality to a sociopathic conartist like you any more. You absolutely will become a 30 year old virgin. You're not a good person and you are not innocent. You're not wise. You're just like the rest of us, though some of you fags lack the balls to admit to your situation, and others like Gahoole are just very thin skinned trolls who can't take the heat when you get counter trolled like when I tore you a new asshole open on /cow/ for years and burned this website down. Haha. We were all pushed out by ZOG, that's the only fact. Tarrant and all the rest were right. I of course do not condone exactly what they did, for all the pig pieces of pig shit in the audience, but the basic idea was factual. FUCK you.


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Imagine having no job, no gf, no prospects, no future and this is what you do with your life, and on top of that you think you can tell others how the world works

You need to be on jobsearch.moe not tvch.moe


>i-i-i'm not an incel!
You're on tvch.moe too lol. Stupid bitch.
I have a job
I own assets
I rent nothing
I'm not in the same state as my parents.
I am entirely self reliant and I can still come here and dunk on your pussy ass virgin losers.
Whip out a Ramon flick for your gay dick, fag, and then kys.


How does that even follow, what does /tv/ - Television and Movies have to do with having sex. Imageboards don't magically force you to stay indoors and never meet women.


>I'm going to pretend I have absolutely no idea about anything
Eat shit and die.
Gahoole, you're a worthless lying fat fuck.
Ramon faggot, those are all photoshops and you are a legit homosexual.
Every single one of you nihilistic porn addicts and degenerates need a harddrive check pronto. The FBI should be visiting you monthly.


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(Urkel voice)
Did I do thaaaat?


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More proof that you are a fag and a pedophile. You need to get raided by the FBI and sent to prison for possession of child pornography.


Fake Bombings, Inc. is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet. Fuck them.



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>those are all photoshops
lies and slander


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shit eating GRIDS homosexual!


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Let me guess, Jewzach ruined another comfy thread with his constant samefagging, gayops and latrino manlet rage.


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Ramon fooged that thang up???




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>Ramon Coon!!!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
We won.


Holy kek, how did I miss this kino.


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What happened to poor Will? Did him and his household get cut off from their BWC supply?


Something about Scientology makes men turn gay in some capacity, I don't think WIll has become full faggot, but worse than that, he's become a complete cuck with his soul destroyed.


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I randomly found this super old Ramon meme in the 4chan archives, op.
Other than that, keep making OCs, no matter what. God bless you.


Checked. I would like to understand the context of this meme.


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It's a Jazzposting meme. "I Am Jazz" is a TLC show about a teen being transitioned, it has a general on 4/tv/ because the show is predictably horrifying and has tons of memeworthy moments (biggest being Jazz's neogina literally exploding)

Jacky is the grandma and often pointed out she looks like the aliens from Mars Attacks hence the Alien meme
Ramon was posted in threads in 2018 with people memeing that Jazz would be on Trans500 when he turned 18
Skylar is a minor character, gets posted since she is the only hot tranny from the show and the rest all look like circus freaks


Whatever happened to that fat spic? Has he hung himself yet?

I remember that Jazz dated a nigger like first thing after transitioning which was kekworthy.

Ramon has been based and beloved a lot longer than the angry beaner on here knows.


The Jew Brown tranny? He says he is now for DeSantos since he Wars right about sex changing.


>she is the only hot tranny from the show and the rest all look like circus freaks
They all look like circus freaks, anon. Don't be deceived.


Tripniggers get the rope. They are truly the lowest forms of life on earth.


lmao really? Jazz regrets it already? That was fucking quick.


He already regretted it almost three years ago from what I remember.



I just remember him getting really fucking fat and dating a nigger, that's about when i threw my hands up and decided to leave watching it to the professionals. Good to know he regrets it now.


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