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File: 1721804686382.jpg (513.78 KB, 2160x2880, 3:4, p7892019_b_v13_ab.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


I am watching Lost for the first time. First 3 seasons have been incredibly good, some of the best TV I have ever seen. Lots of stuff pays off in really satisfying ways too. Were people just meming it being shit for all these years or does it just really go to sbit at the end???


Reminder that jew jew wrote this show, it only makes sense it would end up the way it did. I always thought the idea of the show was pretty damn cool regardless of the end result though.


More than one person wrote this show.


Yeah that's why I am wondering if all the hate surrounding it was just because it was a popular show at the time? Some of the characters get a bit annoying, and some of the plotlines went nowhere (for what seems like stuff out of the writers control like actors having to leave the show) but overall the quality of the show has been incredible so far. Like even if it does get REALLY BAD this has been some of the best seasons of a tv show I have ever seen, so I don't understand the negativity tbh


I just really like the idea of the whole island and its supernatural nature in the show.


It's because we, the audience got epicly blue-balled.


>The show that shit itself and died because they had shove in some retarded fantasies


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>Falling for Jew Jew Abrams mystery box bullshit

LOL! LMAO even!


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The actual mysteries of the island (polar bear, smoke monster, dharma etc.) are all answered in a satisfying way. The meta-mystery of why they are there (which I frankly didn't even care about) is what goes to shit.

Kino show.


>Pretentious shitshow praised by redditors
<Done by Jewy Jew Abrams
Easiest guessing game ever.


I am Jewish >_<

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