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File: 1721820982481.png (9.85 MB, 3286x1780, 1643:890, WAIFUS_TV 2.png) ImgOps iqdb

 No.338017[View All]

Share your waifus in a civil way.
Yakuza, Emojitroon, Blissfag, Ashleyfag and Ravenfag are welcome.
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Man, that whole alt-right era really fell apart hard. I lost touch with Youcis as well. Surprisingly, Ashley Jones returned a year or so ago and is still making videos over on her site/personal imageboard.


you can still probably contact her through bitchute
she actually did some stuff fairly recently though I don't remember what


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
She made this video last month.


And she still hasn't hit the wall yet, truly Aryan genes.


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I don't know if they are all jewesses but I'm certain they are carrying jewish dna.


Seconding this


based OC anon making the soulless latrinos seethe.


Is Krysten Ritter a good waifu? Btw https://www.imdb.com/list/ls077532891/


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give me the snu snu


>all that computing power wasted on a hag with tattjews and a goyim nose piercing


I think she did an interracial scene.


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No she's a whore!


A menko.


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>Look mom we're acting!


what is the context for this scene
and don't just say da joos


Sex sells, but people are so desensitized now that it can't just be a naked celebrity. It's gotta be something taboo or messed up. Give it 30-40 years and we'll probably see A list Hollywood actresses perform bestiality scenes.


Is that a hapa alongside the nigger? Ouch


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Cute girl anon.

I personally like Sena from Haganai a lot, its a good show that depicts autistic human interactions and is one of the few shows I have seen that showcases a semi-accurate portrayel of a rude autistic teenage girl. I stilk dislike the lolib8ing of the first season but so many cuckimes have it that I can't let it affect my overall enjoyment kf the series.




Anon, you don't have to self correct so much. We get it, and everyone makes typos and spelling mistakes.



No that's Meth Damon


Its my autism anon.

And before anyone says it I'd just like to clarify that the Toaru Series is actually one of the few shows I've seen in which the author is clearly a "lolicon" due to the tendencies of him to feature those sort of cute characters, but suprisingly the anime and offical art never sexulizes these girls. Also Index and her flatter than a board body is not my waifu of this series, even though shes still obviously cute and pretty.

I wouldn't really call her sexy as am in fact not a lolicon, whether it be the modern usage of basically admitting you are a pedofork or the idea that you prefer smaller girls with no chest like enema flopson, but due to anime logic shes often a year older than the more conventionally attactive girls save Kanzaki.

Why does anime always make 14 year old girls look like they are 16 and 16 year old girls look like they are 14? I am aware of the obvious lolicon b8ing for shekels but I generally don't understand this nippon cuckime logic. Is it because so many nippon girls look younger and smaller for their age due to gook vampirism?


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Ahh heres my tranime girl


The context is the jews wanted to put Emma Stone in an interracial sex scene and they built a shitty movie around it to disguise their intent.


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You are gay, we get it.


>You are gay, we get it.
Nope, I've just got higher standards.

I don't think you understand what classy means in terms of women, and tattoos aren't it.


You are seething about a nice white women married with a chad white guy, instead of sucking nigger dick.
Go ahead, totally not gay one, post your "classy" waifus. And please, don't include blacked actors while doing so.


File: 1724802864754.jpg (107.54 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 1724203389603-1.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Are you seriously getting worked into a hissy fit over this thing?


Go ahead, post your waifus, we know you are a faggot and Gahoole is your waifu, but go ahead, try to post some women (not including the nigger dicks).


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Ladies, please, calm yourselves.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
This is his waifu, the Isralie tranny.



>calls others gay


you're almost 30 and you're talking about waifus and nigger dicks. Get therapy.



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Yeah i'm thinking i've got a winner!


Yakuza and French victory.


God, how many ugly people gathered together. Nufrench really think any of these are good looking?


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21st century France is 1/3rd French 1/3rd Nigger Filth and 1/3rd Mudslime/Mystery Meat Mongrel


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For me it's Loliverine!


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a bbc enthusiast and a pedo, pathetic yakuza, real pathetic


I don't think Yakuza like girls.


Damn. I hope she is being bleached.


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She's celebrating the 10 year anniversary week of the Fappening! Plz be respectful of her customs.


Nice. Her swarthy cunt needs bleaching.


I didn't like her face. Her tits are good enough. I don't see anything more to make her attractive or interesting to the point of being a waifu.


Tbh she is a meme. She is a pretty standard nonfat young woman. Any whitish young woman who isn't fat will look good. Sadly she will abort everything but not before getting fat in about 3 years.

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