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File: 1721838632683.jpg (239.57 KB, 1280x924, 320:231, tumblr_40e531886aa4c5a3576….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


You can no longer say "I like movies from the '20s" without specifying the century.

Before you know it, it will be the same for the '30s.


Time continues to flow anon.


"I like movies from the 2020s" - no one ever


"The '20s" will always just mean the 1920s to me.


File: 1721883561741.gif (2.5 MB, 341x245, 341:245, Eddy holding his rage.gif) ImgOps iqdb

>You won't be able to say that Birth of a Nation was your favorite flick
<Because everyone will assume that you enjoyed the pozzed 2016 remake


People will still assume you mean the 1920's because no one would ever say they enjoy movies from the 2020's.


I don't think anyone even remembers the remake.


This is why physical media is important. They're remaking everything now through the lens of negrophilia, and at some point they will pull the rug out on the old stuff that's only obtainable via stream. It's like with the statues; White heroes come down, George Floyds go up.

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