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I've never seen this movie. How exactly did it ruin a generation of women? I don't even remember it being that popular when it came out.


Pure fucking soylent that makes the "Manga" look good.


Scott reddit is one of the most cucked stories of all time, mc has the option to race-mix with a virgin yandere and make the author or be with a hoe whose been with 7 different people, one of them being fucking lesbo.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>The life of a leaf brainwashed by feminism
<BingBingWahoo references every fucking where just to gaslight the message that losers end up with leftovers
As expected Netflix would later bring this shitty soap opera back as the "animu" continuation, it contains a failure of a man who'll get cucked beyond death, but got backlash because the fans thought it was going to be an animated adaptation. Every cartoonist who managed to go somewhere in the industry is because their shit it's safe enough to be funded.


It's Canada's finest work of art. I used to watch the movie while my mom was being gangbanged by my black guys.


It popularized the SJW and manchild/soyboy/white knight archetypes, idealizing them to a young Millennial audience. Scott ultimately gets the girl by using his cool nerd powers. Ramona is a bitch, but she's put on a pedestal and tries her hardest to be an already out of date idea of punk. Ramona's character is the basis for the statement "Scott Pilgrim vs the World ruined a generation of women." If you look at her and how she acts, you can see many trends from Tumblr or that would emerge in Tumblr before entering the mainstream.


If you turn off your brain, it's a fun movie.


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>If you turn off your brain, it's a fun movie.


>turn off your brain
I hate this phrase so much. What you're referring to as a "brain" is really the mind's censor. If you were to actually turn off your brain, you wouldn't be able to perceive the movie at all.


If you keep tipping your fedora like that you're going to wear it out.


It's there to protect the brain from trash like this.


did STI really say that?


What ever happened to STI anyway?


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Armond is disappointed by your post


Based Armond White enjoyer.


Scott Pilgrim is what happens when a canuck hapa misinterprets and Americanizes mongrelizes the masterwork of Rumiko Takahashi.

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