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James Gunn's Superman is so bad it's crew members working on it have to commit seppuku in the parking lot



I'm still amazed that James Gunn was able to not only get work again, but land right in the director's chair of Superman.


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>(((james gunn))) is making a superkike movie
I really wish Tim Burton's got off the ground.


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>Sources say the deceased was a female Teamster
>self-inflicted gunshot wound

>biological female

That is a no.
I rest my case.


a hecking wholesome 100 reddit chungus trans woman?



I honestly wonder how fast most trannies will die off when civilization ends.


My wife and kids are trans.


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He revived interest in zombie Marvel AND zombie DC, not surprising they handed him the keys


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I am just happy capeshit is dying along with everything else. They couldn't hold back the night of the death of the industry, if anything their funny reddit jokes made it go faster.


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Lois Lane has great tits, that's enough for me!


They didn't get the Palestinian exterminator: Gal Goydot.


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>What the fucks a palestinian?


Capeshit always sucked even before it was on the (((silver screen))).


The comics and cartoons used to be fun enough.


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Capeshit killed pulp fiction, which used to be a good way for low class white people get into exploration, imagination and even science. I personally wish I could own a collection of old pulp magazines.

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