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After Tokyo revengers here the new victim.


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It was a joke in the manga.
But not in the episode 3. It's serious as fuck with weird quote " yeah the gender is fluid " and shit
Fuck women, fuck america, and fuck europe.
Alos fuck aurelie brun for the sub.

Fans need to fix the sub.
Angel cop vibe.


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>Fuck women, fuck america, and fuck europe.


File: 1722071212168.png (260.31 KB, 508x712, 127:178, youre late ken again.png) ImgOps iqdb

>posts picture of man simping for female american streamers to represent anon who hates america and women


I hate troonime and vtubers. The internet is rotten.


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Whores are using 3d puppets for hiding their cumm'd and dumped faces (and not being able to calibrate the fucking thing), that's how they gained back their chronically online cattle back. You're not based and redpilled if you blow your incomes over a emotionally manipulate cunt, the best part is that their sorry ass (((league of simping fags))) call you an "incel" for not falling in line.


Vtubers are the ultimate subhumans and subhuman gatherers.


Censorship is the only reason I don't subscribe to Crunchyroll. Other than that, it's a great service.


>Not downloading your anime
LMAO'ing @ ur life, nigger cattle


Nigger, I've been downloading fan subs since before there was a Crunchyroll. I'm just saying if they weren't cucked, I might consider subscribing.

People pay for things they like so they continue to be made.


you retards take this crap seriously?


The fan sub of this anime doesn't exist.


>Shoah Jump
>Harem of cookie cutter waifus
<The brand new cucked fetish by femidykes
Gookslop everywhere that's not even worth pirating, have fun with your distorted animus that only shitty media players such as VLC can play.


Crunchykike isn't worth it, us a pirate site if you don't wanna torrent.

Most cuckime isn't worth pirating.


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netflix adaptation (real)


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>paying for anything ever when you dont have to
mcfucking kill yourself


If everyone was like us anons and pirated, the system would come tumbling down, and that is a good thing.


If it wasn't for paypigs subscribing to services like Crunchyroll, (or native equivalents in Japan), and buying the Blu-rays for $29.95, it wouldn't be being made.

If you love your anime, thank a paypig.


Why doesn't anybody ever find these cunts and put them out of our collective misery?


Your full of shit and you know it. Optical media is alive and well in nippon, and even if it was on life support I'd just burn my own.

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