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Sup Emojitroon, how are you?


I'm not that wormed fag


Yakuza then? How are you, bud?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Hey guys it's Yakuzapedo here, I'm a drunk old monkey.


Yakuza do you think there is anything we can do to save France from its fate?


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The torch has been passed to the new arrivals who weren't sterilized from the vaxx.


Yakuza just how blackpilled are you buddy, they will never be french, you have more french blood in you than any of them.


You want the mind of emoji on a woman, france sucks ass except south france.


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I found his youtube channel.


Emojitroon's youtube channel?


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Nope It's real


look like a missile


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WTF? I love synchronized swimming now!


skin colored swimsuit. lame


that is such an epic camel toe.


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>France's finest export!


kinda sad that she dresses like a whore and her fate is to be just coombait.


Is this the girl from the Harry's Potter?


is that really her? It looks just like her in the face.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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The female boxing final is between 2 trannies


Pajeets also wear a red string around their wrists too. Does that mean that they're crypto kikes or something?


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WTF? I love the balance beam now!


Asian woman be like " big sister look i do it too "



Ahh the eternal asianbug follower strikes again.


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Passing a stick to your teammate once again proves too hard for Team Africa


The blonde British bitch all the Twitter cunts are raving over as the Great White Hope is a nigger fucker lol.


You can't make this shit up.

The way I see it, the average White woman who brings a White child into the world is a better person than her. She may be a talented athlete, but she is morally bankrupt.


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This is an Olympic sport. No seriously!


>breakdancing is an Olympic sport now
They're about 30 years late to the party with this. If they wanted to be cutting-edge, they would've added twerking.


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>English women are quite literally the biggest whores of Europe statistically they racemix more than any other country

>The nigger worship of America started in England
>The ugliest most jewish and biggest traitors people of Europe the English are race mixers

Kinda interesting because multiple black women runners for the USA that won have White boyfriends. Pretty much eugenics the worthless White whores shack up with a nigger then end up in ruin, while the successful black women instantly trade up for a White man and become his sugar momma this ugly inbred English cunt is literally stupider than niggeresses.


The best thing humans can do with regards to the Paris Olympics is to turn the damn thing off. The whole thing has been smut for White children's minds from the word go.


>the average White woman who brings a White child into the world is a better person than her
the average trailer park White woman with 4 kids from 4 White fathers is better than this one. Run as fast as you want, you can't outrun the nigger when he gets it in his head to beat you, nor can you outrun the past.
I had a kid try to explain why esports should be Olympic events. I laughed and said it'll never happen. I was wrong, epsports in 4 years. Especially with THIS shit as an event now.


Kek, total mudshark destruction, burn he coal pay the toll.


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It is the least viewed Olympics for Americans by a large margin. After the opening ceremony it was obvious even for normie cattle and the rapeugees Olympic boats that was filled with niggers that they are telling us they are going to flood Europe with more niggers. I haven't seen regularly people talking about it positively its only been bots and main stream jews praising it.


Only larping SEAniggers and pajeets give a shit about the Paris Olympics. All of those normalfag memes about the Turkish shooter, fact checking the tranny boxer, waifuing the chink gymnast etc were made by them. I'm not sure why they are still so obsessed with meme culture in 2024 to the point that some of them literally cannot talk, both online and offline, without some sort of gay meme reference thrown in. Everything really has gone too far.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Angele was at the JO.


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>I'm not sure why they are still so obsessed with meme culture in 2024 to the point that some of them literally cannot talk, both online and offline, without some sort of gay meme reference thrown in. Everything really has gone too far.
It's completely tiresome. I miss when memes were more likely to be in-jokes emerging as a genuine product of specific groups of people that the general public wouldn't understand. Something like Spurdo Spaerde is still funny to this day, whereas anodyne dreck like Doge or Keep Calm and Carry On variants were never funny in the first place. It goes just beyond peppering their speech or writing with the occasional meme. The nature of the modern Internet has gotten so bad that not only do you have to worry about bots imitating people, but you find tons of real people writing like bots. Faggots on JewTube or Plebbit will just mindlessly repeat variations of banal "jokes" that were never very amusing in the first place. Whether it's "Sir, this is a Wendy's" or "Tell me x without telling me x," or one of a million other examples of this cancer, countless comment sections have been shat up by insufferable clout chasers employing these lame posting templates to shamelessly fish for validation from strangers. Even Foxdick Farmers are prone to doing it, which reveals their posturing as an unyielding redoubt of sanity standing strong against the unrelenting normgroid hordes for the sham it is. So many of them post like rejected Redditards who didn't quite toe the line enough over there ideologically to make it. Aside from a few small sites like this one, there aren't many casual sites that haven't been completely hollowed out by these termites yet. The situation would be bad enough without the rising brown tide of the Turd World threatening to sink the remainder of the Internet beneath its polluted waves.


I want to go back to 2008.


I want to go back to 1888. I'm transchronological, I was born in the wrong century.


>Something like Spurdo Spaerde is still funny to this day
Pretty much the only memes that are presently funny are the ones from imageboards in the year 2016 or earlier. Almost no memes after that period from any location are funny at all.


Correct, and this is why Ramonposting is based and shall never die.


Spurdo Spaerde is still funny because it didn't get rapes like wojak and pepe. I never imagined a world where the feels guy and pepe the fucking frog would become normalnigger-tier to such a massive extent, than again, its not 2013 anymore.


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>Almost no memes after that period from any location are funny at all.
I struggle to come up with any others, but I've always liked Norf F.C. There's buck breaking, but Afrocentrists were going on about that years before Tariq Nasheed made his "documentary" about it. All the OC came after that though.

Now that I think about it, tvchan has created some good memes.
>the feels guy
When did English speakers start calling him Wojak, anyway? Did they always? I'm kind of fuzzy about his exact origins, but I always remember him being called something like "the feels guy" or "Feels Guy" back in the day. I feel like I recall taking a hiatus from imageboards for a while and came back to people calling him "Wojak."

I don't remember people calling the frog character Pepe back then either. I don't think all that many people really gave a damn about the original comic series where the name came from. That's why it was stupid for Matt Furie to think people would about him bitching about people using his character's image in ways he didn't like.

It's also easy to forgot that the Happy Merchant didn't always go by that name.


Ramon is the best tvch meme

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