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It is over for cinema. The age of theaters is over. The age of slop has begun. Capeshit was the last stand of movie going culture.


Bros, we should watch it! All the woketards are mad at this piece of capekino! I'm taking my wife's son to watch it with me.


That's exactly how I rated it. It's not great, but people love Jacked Man. Capeshit is 100% ACK'd


More like capeshit was the beginning of slop.


How much Dafne in this movie?


I don't think she is in the film would she appeal to your "tastes" anymore anon.


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Imagine giving a shit about critics opinion, your talking about a group of liberal kikes even lower on the totem pole than journalists. Kill yourself immediately OP!


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Oh so shes kinda hot now, **and not loli that attracts pedophiles*" either way I don't care.



Shamefur dispray.


Speaking of Dafne Keen, was the His Dark Materials show any good? I liked The Golden Compass.


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I preferred the movie tbh


They purposely cast a mid loli in the film so she wouldn't become a pedo icon. Anyway, doesn't the series do a better job of telling the story of the books rather than cramming it all into a 2 hour movie?


I saw it today. It was total ironypoisoned slopville.


I could've told you that and saved you the $12.


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>Mid loli

I don't think so bub!


>I wish they'd made another quality pedo icon
time to look for the rope champ


She's a Plain Jane. You're just starstruck.


Both of you are mentally ill.


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What are you, my shrink?


my goodness what a little cutie


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Not anymore!


They knew everything was flopping so they just broke out Dr Doom and Robert Downey Jr.


The entire Deadpool/Wolverine movie was a meta sarcasm on the collapse of Marvel. It's fun watching this Jewish totem die.


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Deadpool & Wolverine set R-Rated Record $195M-$205M U.S. Debut Weekend; $420M Global bow


>zogbots eat up the slop



One minute = It's Dying
No it isn't
Next minute = It never will

Are you sure your not a kike? Post nose now!


yeah, the subhuman biomass will go see the shiny zogslop but it's obvious that no one knows what to do, no one likes the metaverse, the movies suck, everyone is tired of it, and the actors are cynical and belligerent to the point of shitting on their own movies during the same movies. That's what I meant, you imbecile.


"People" like you should be locked up. Enjoy prison, child stalker.


But anon t-think about the p-pedophiles.


>people should be locked up for thought crimes
Seethe and dilate.


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Who was she played by? Taylor Swift,Blake Lively,Sydney Sweeney?


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You'll have to wait until next year's episode to find out, goy. Heheheh.


Hehehe them filthy goys need to keep consuming.


Is Emojitroon and Yakuza. Both are pedo coomers


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>Comic book movies dying was real to me!


Just saw it and you were wrong, she looks very nice. I like how she still has the girly sunglasses she wore in Logan


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>Deadpool & Wolverine On A Tear With $438M+ Global Opening, Biggest R-Rated Debut Ever



good lord i need her


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The AI of her looks much better.


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Cassandra Nova was a cute! I can fix her!


Looks like you guys have been overruled again. Mike and Jay have certified this fresh.


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They shouldn't be talking about movies when there are children starving in Africa.


What should they be doing?


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She has a nice Gaelic look but you can't save her. Britain is more kike'd than ZOGmerica, which is saying something. It's over for white women.


>you can't save her
There's this little trick I like to call a lobotomy


Capeshit is so healthy right now that they are bringing Iron Man back after repeatedly saying no!


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Apparently helping African nogs somehow. You'd have to ask them, since that's a criticism they actually gave of some other YouTube channel recently without seeing the hypocrisy.


I brought five tickets to Deadpool & Wolverine to trigger the woketards. Is good to see two based white men making a movie again!


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both of these scenes are meaningless now.


Marvel money printer go brrrrrrrrrrrrr


Anyone who still cares about Marvel and DC right now are certified normalfags.


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Deadpool & Wolverine
It's Marvel's ultimate nihilistic sequel.

By Armond White

Laughing at Deadpool & Wolverine is the juvenile moviegoer's way of pretending to have fun, while ignoring that Marvel panders to them mercilessly. Mixing comedy and mayhem, the Deadpool movies reboot the Marvel X-Men series, reconstituting the alter ego of Wade Wilson (a doomed cancer patient mourning his wife's murder) as a masked antihero whose superpower is that he's unkillable. As one of Marvel's New Mutants (introduced in the 2009 X-Men Origins: Wolverine), he has a pockmarked "avocado" face that shows the ravages of illness, and he therefore is not to be taken seriously. He can be repeatedly brutalized, satisfying the bloodlust of a teen audience, because everything can be laughed off.

Even the fact of Hollywood exploitation becomes a joke in the way Deadpool & Wolverine reunites Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) with his superhero antagonist Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), even though the latter was killed off in 2017's Logan. Marvel itself mocks its audience's susceptibility by bringing back characters, including many Marvel-hero cameos, against narrative logic, simply to make a buck. (The term "fan-service" is Hollywood's euphemism for exploitation.)

Plot convolutions involving a Time Variance Authority (TVA) controlled by evil Mr. Paradox (Matthew Macfadyen) allow for numerous inconsistencies - not paradoxical facts of being and nothingness, just a setup for Deadpool's interminable, rude, self-reflexive jokes. Smart-alecky Deadpool winks at the audience about Wolverine's resurrection: "Fox killed him. Disney brought him back. They're gonna make him do this till he's 90." Reynolds co-wrote this obnoxious script with Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick, and Zeb Wells, and the real subject here is not the mystery of existence across time and dimensions, but the cynical exaggerations of showbiz venality.

Instead of contrasting Deadpool and Wolverine for their slick-vs.-rough approaches to crime-busting, this film leaps past good-vs.-evil. Marvel abuses the storytelling and story-reception process (entertainment), merely to twist and distort young people's sense of morality and power. Deadpool's incessant joking and breaking the fourth wall does not make us sophisticated, just jaded. It's for nerds who like to think they're sophisticated. Constant sarcasm saves fans from the emotional embarrassment of Zack Snyder's sincerity in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The beauty of coherent meaning that gives Snyder's films their emotional richness is gone. Nothing in Deadpool & Wolverine means anything. Does this cynicism epitomize the unchecked polarization that drives our media and politics?

Marvel's recycling of its basic plot elements proves that the makers care only about product and manipulation. The buddy-movie bickering in Deadpool & Wolverine parallels current political chicanery - destroying logic, decency, rules. Deadpool himself is like a politician, the ultimate cynic (hopefully the last cynic). In Deadpool 2, he had relished Wolverine's death (impaled and lying on a rotating disc like an old vinyl record). Now, after the two men canoodle, there's a mawkish finale meant to invoke purpose and principle.

The Deadpool character cheats audiences of any moral basis. Behind his Spider-Man-like mask, he's a throwback to Reynolds's breakthrough in the title role of the sophomoric National Lampoon cult film Van Wilder (2002), in which he played the arrogant, anarchic libertine college pimp. Now, in the MCU multiverse, Reynolds upstages the stalwart Wolverine's Neanderthal mutton-chop sideburns and adamantium claws by unleashing nonstop pubescent sex jokes ("Get your special sock out nerds. It's gonna get good!"), gay jokes, and jokes about "pegging" (look it up at your peril), along with topical references (recalling Deadpool 2's pointless Jared Kushner joke).

Snarkier than any actor of his generation, Reynolds makes Deadpool & Wolverine his career blockbuster. Demeaning every ideal that pop culture once represented, it's the ultimate nihilism in comic-book-movie form. Director Shawn Levy stages the cartoonish violence with less verve than David Leitch's in Deadpool 2, which featured the franchise's paradigmatic transition - from the close-up of a sphincter to a human eye - making the point that this is all excrement. Deadpool & Wolverine proves that Marvel capitalizes on a market of obnoxious, smart-ass adolescents (and adults) insatiable for sarcasm.


rare based nigger gets it right, the movie was shit


>capeshit movie was shit
wow so insightful, no need to write a whole article about it


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
he's specifically btfoing people like the RLM soyboys in the article


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Did any of you soy your undies over this?


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Marvel's Deadpool & Wolverine is one of the few unqualified hits of the summer, drawing audiences all over the world with its mix of action and R-rated comedy. But one group isn't having a good time - LGBTQ+ movie critics, who are calling out the movie for its numerous gay jokes.

Deadpool & Wolverine features an abundance of "gay panic" jokes made at the expense of its two male superhero protagonists: the spandex-dressed Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) and his extremely muscular buddy Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). Since Deadpool's sexuality has long been a matter of enjoyable speculation among fans - he is "pansexual" in the original comic - many viewers are interpreting the jokes as something of an in-joke themselves, taking the franchise's ambiguously gay subtext to another, often raunchier level.

Ryan Reynolds appeared to admit as much when he posted a YouTube promo that was an overt parody of a semen facial.

ay movie critics aren't laughing.

The Guardian critic Guy Lodge led the grievance parade, slamming the movie for what he deemed was its "schoolyard homophobia."

"Same-sex attraction is thus treated as little more than a gag, neither fulfilled nor corrected by the film itself," he wrote.

"It's a taunting akin to juvenile schoolyard homophobia, scarcely remedied by Deadpool himself being queer-identified. At this point, the next time Disney dredges up the character, it might be more progressive to draw less attention to his pansexuality. That, or simply let him fuck Wolverine."

Other gay critics also found the gay jokes to be immature.

Critic Joe Lipsett, who writes for Slash Film and sites devoted to "queer" horror movies, called out the movie's "fratboy gay jokes."

"I snuck away from Fantasia to check out DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE…and I wish I hadn't.
It's shockingly bad - from the CGI blood to the fratboy gay jokes to the lack of stakes to the terrible villain (poor Emma Corrin!).
It's an unequivocal mess."

- Joe Lipsett (@bstolemyremote) July 25, 2024

Other film reviewers expressed exasperation with the movie's gay jokes.

"Me when Deadpool makes the fifth joke in a row where the punchline is 'being gay' or 'I will get cancelled for that one.'"

- Ethan #TIFF24 ? (@notfunEman) July 27, 2024

"it really rubbed me the wrong way that deadpool referred to gay people as 'the gays' in the new movie as if he isn't queer himself. i hate how his queerness is only ever played as a joke and never once sincerely"

- gwen-tyumi (@gizzverse) July 27, 2024

"at the risk of getting too moralistic, it's also a movie i think is sincerely homophobic, so the idea that people need to be more 'normal' about the fact that general audiences are really getting a kick out of non-stop gay jokes during this cultural moment is very frustrating!"

- Thel (@EPM106) July 26, 2024


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These alphabet soup people claim they're just ordinary people who just want to be left alone and be treated the same as anyone else, but even giving them increasing amounts of preferential treatment is never good enough for them. Even a "queer" person isn't allowed to make jokes about themselves apparently. Turning your sexual preferences into a lifestyle and your lifestyle into a political movement backed by governments and corporations is no substitute for having an actual personality.


People should have learned from feminism. It was never about giving women equal rights, it was about undermining men and make them lose their worth in society. The fag thing is the same, it's meant to destroy the nuclear family even further by emasculating the average man even more. When you think about it, the normalization and mass industrialization of nerd shit seems to have been conceptualized to achieve similar results.


I agree totally except for the nerd shit. What do you mean by that exactly?


>the normalization and mass industrialization of nerd shit seems to have been conceptualized to achieve similar results
We are being entertained to death, they've got the whole world addicted to screens which trains us to be reactive instead of creative.


Just consume and die goy.


Oh, well in that case yes.The question is how do you get out? I don't think you can.
White women are refusing to reproduce. If you don't re-enslave women, nothing will get better.


And the dudes who fell for the Asian woman meme only to spend 2 decades or more in lawless shitholes with a dozen or so of her family members being utter parasites are starting to realize that their genetic gamble was not worth it. There is really no way out right now other than to focus on your own survival and trying to bleed the system as much as possible, like what hobbytubers such as Metatron, Skallagrim and Shadiversity are doing. They can be publicly retarded from time to time and are basically still incels but at least they can live in relative comfort.


Basically remain alive, pick and enslave a whore from the ruins and save the Aryan Race.


How the fuck Wolverine was brought back from the death? Which I totally forgot. They should just sew some strings on Stan Lee's corpse for his upcoming cameos.


deadpool desecrates his grave then brings in a new loser wolverine from an alternate dimension


>He came from another dimension who looks exactly like him
Yet they wonder why capeshit is not real art. Why not also bring back the jews who made all of Marvel in a funneh quirky cameo with Ai?


Pretty sure Ryan Reynolds won't desecrate Auschwitz.


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>zero mention of the recent Dafne Keen leaks
yep this site is dead.




She's not even cute anymore, looks like a run of the mill Amerimutt.


don't be so tsundere anon, you know you want to see them.


She looks under 21


she's a goblin bro
she belongs in mordor


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Facial recognition says there's a high probability this IS Dafne.
As for the authenticity of the unkempt labia image? Her navel looks different.


Start a thread for the fucking leaks maybe? Dickhead.


she is 19 infact.


The movie only covers one book in a trilogy, so no it doesn't tell the story of the books as well.


>already acts like a whore with leaked nudes
Wonder how much she was passed on as a kid


Probably just a stunt to boost sales of the movie, or to reignite interest in herself.

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