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I'm starting to like the 70's more than the 80's. Does that mean I'm getting old?


I prefer the more raw and gritty style of '70s movies but prefer '80s movies overall. I think movies like Mad Max, Alien, Phantasm, and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre worked better than their '80s sequels. There's something about the '70s that seemed to benefit horror movies in particular. Despite all that, '80s and early '90s movies are like cinematic comfort food for me in a way '70s ones typically aren't.

Also, I'd have sexual relations with Little Edie.


>There's something about the '70s that seemed to benefit horror movies in particular
It was a dark time, the 80s made us forget how dark it was but the 70s were honest about the dark future that lay ahead of us. Today that gritty hell of the 70s has once again returned and is even worse than ever before.


Worst thing about the 70's are the comedies. They try to be dirty and edgy but they still have the "aw shucks" sensibilities of the 50's. I mean that makes sense since that's what those people grew up on but it clashes the material they do. It's like when your uncle or your grandpa awkwardly tells a joke that's both dirty and cheesy at the same time.


Could you give an example? I've always thought movies from the New Hollywood era seemed to be trying too hard to be shocking at times, like throwing in sex or nudity in a way that can feel forced. Compare them to the way silent movies would use nudity, where it was laid on less thick and felt more artistic instead of like a lame attempt at pushing boundaries.


Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex. A lot of that is just old borscht belt humor but with sex as the punchline.


>Despite all that, '80s and early '90s movies are like cinematic comfort food for me in a way '70s ones typically aren't.
That's basically how I feel about that period. There are lots of movies from then that I enjoy and can watch over and over, but I struggle to think of any I would consider great like the best movies of the 70s.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I prefer '80s movies in terms of what I actually watch, but there's something about '70s movies than can feel more timeless to me even if sounds strange to say. I think it part of it comes down to the aesthetics of the era feeling less digital, for lack of a better way of putting it. Compare the instrumentation used in the music of both periods. '80s music has much more instant appeal to me, but for better or worse the instrumentation and production choices really tie it to the era in which it was made. You're not going to hear artificial-sounding DX7 presets or pounding snares drenched in gated reverb in '70s music. Even when synths were used, they were analog and usually limited in polyphony. '70s music sounded much more traditional in that regard, even if I generally find it less interesting than '80s music. You'd hear instruments like organs, pianos, flutes, and acoustic guitars more instead of digital imitations. I think this carries over into movies. The soundtracks of '80s movies like Day of the Dead or Big Trouble in Little China often impart a more unnatural coloration to the movies as a whole. It's not a bad thing or anything, but there are certain traits of '80s music tends to be easier to pin it down as being from that era.

That's not to say '70s movies weren't products of their time, but I think some aspects of that decade feel more subtle than the brasher and more plastic '80s. It sounds weird to say about a time that brings to mind images of warmed-over hippie culture, leisure suits, and avocado green shag carpeting, but in some ways it comes across to me as a bit more classy and refined.


I don't know which decade has the most underrated cinema, 60s or 70s.
I would say 70 is good, even low budget or exploitation films are still fun to watch with some friends or even alone.


The early to mid 2000 is oddly comforting to me, maybe its cause I am a bit younger but it makes me feel like when I was watching OG jewtube, the world seemed so incredible, the internet was filled with life and I felt like the wind.


60s had a lot of experimenting going on, but 90-99% of those experiments were failures, even if they can be interesting to watch. That was still a problem for much of the 70s, but it felt like the high of the 60s had worn off enough for them to occasionally crank out something coherent enough to be objectively good.
The the second half of the 70s just feel like a less slick version of the 80s to me. That's both a good and a bad thing.


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We need the funky back. We need you, Harv.


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You are damn right.

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