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File: 1722482136481.jpg (106.78 KB, 1100x573, 1100:573, sharpe-still-1100x573.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


this is good kino. Thank me later.


The author of the books is a pagan neo-Nazi. He writes pure historical revisionism against Christianity and Judaism.



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Christ is King! War is cringe.


Have you read the books, Op?


I recently finished reading his Saxon Chronicles, is a very solid series, but as any boomer writer he pushes a little bit of feminist in it, but all the books are worth the time.
At least unlike other boomer writers he doesn't describe cringe and weird sex scenes. Just gore and good military tactics.


The Sharpe series seems like it's right up my alley, but I've heard it attempts to humanize the Irish, which is something I just can't get behind.


I haven't read the books. There is a bit of feminism in these films but it's pretty harmless and certainly does not compare to today's extreme penis envy.


Sometimes both angloids and irish are fine, I would take them over any pajeet or nigger for example.
The author is a proud angloid and I guess he tries to give a good portrait of scots and irish and I don't see anything bad about that, sometimes you must respect your old rivals.
And he loves Italians in his books, so that is a plus.


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>There is a bit of feminism in these films but it's pretty harmless and certainly does not compare to today's extreme penis envy.
Same can be said of most male-oriented action series but it usually played into the genre and didn't fuck with the essential formula. The problem with a lot of modern stuff is that it's written by people who don't like the genre and basically just want to supplant it with shit they like

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